Is it possible to skin a movie player in iOS 5? - ipad

I know that UIAppearance has been introduced in iOS 5, but is there any way of using the new protocol to reskin the MPMoviePlayerController, or do I still need to get my hands dirty using drawRect methods and the like?
Does anyone have any good examples of reskinned movie players for the iPad?

MPMoviePlayerController's user interface is entirely transparent for you as a developer. You can not change its appearance at all. You can only replace the UI by hiding the default interface and showing your own as explained in detail within the following SO answers:
To what extent can the iOS Movie Player be customized and styled?
Adding custom controls to a full screen movie
One additional note though:
Even though this does enable you to create a customized movie player, Apple clearly recommends against doing that - and once again for good reason. The player, as is, does provide a well functioning, good looking and accustomed UI to the end user. Customizing the interface, in almost all attempts, will reduce the usability. Trust me, I have done it numerous times for various customers that insisted in having their branded player - yet I have never encountered a design that feels as good as the one Apple provides you with.


With iPhone 7 and UIFeedbackGenerator, which system actions perform which kinds of taptic feedback?

(This question is mostly applicable to those of us developing iPhone apps without access to an iPhone 7.)
I want to incorporate the new taptic feedback available with the iPhone 7 into my apps, and I want to make sure my uses of it align properly with how iOS uses them at a system level. Without a device I can't test this.
Apple provides a document describing the different kinds of feedback: Namely "Notification", "Impact", or "Selection".
For instance, in, when you slide a cell to archive it, it gives taptic feedback. Which of those three above (and their corresponding "variation") does use? I'm guessing "Selection" but may be wrong.
Bonus points for pulling down Notification Center or Control Center, as well as any others you can provide for reference, but the gestures in would be an awesome start.
You should check out this article, it gives you an overview how UIFeedbackGenerator works.
Alternatively, you can create a demo project and check out which feedback is best suited for your needs.
It's the selection feedback for Mail app. The notification center uses multiple feedbacks depending upon the sliding. If you do it slowly, it's impact heavy and how if you do it a bit slowly, it's impact light and if you just slide it down immediately, it produces no feedback.

How to customize Apple CareKit?

In CareKit there are Care Card and Symptom tracker. I'm not understanding how to customize Carecardviewcontroller and symptomtrackerviewcontroller. I don't want to use these view controllers but interested in using components of these view controllers. there is no clear documentation to explore this.
If you are coming at this from a Swift perspective, then it has to be admitted that CareKit is about as "un-Swifty" as anything you can imagine. The GitHub site is certainly a start, but there is a horrific gap between reading the programming guides there and actually implementing a solution. It certainly has been a long slog for me!
That said, you can add customization to CareKit's story-board-free approach by using the view controller delegate functions that CareKit provides.
For example, suppose you have an app that reminds your user to perform two intervention activities, (1) take aspirin and (2) go for a brisk walk. If the user opens the Care Card and taps an event icon (one of the circles) for "take aspirin" then that will fire a method in the OCKCareCardViewControllerDelegate called:
careCardViewController(_ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
didSelectButtonWithInterventionEvent: OCKCarePlanEvent)
In this method you can segue to whatever view controller you'd like. E.g. if the event is for taking aspirin then display a view controller that shows a photo of an aspirin table, a reminder that it should contain just an 81 mg dose, and a recommendation about taking it with water.
Of course, nothing is ever easy with CareKit. It turns out that you will probably also want to turn off CareKit's standard practice of calling an event completed if the circle icon is tapped. That is accomplished by returning "false" from another delegate method called:
careCardViewController( _ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
interventionActivity: OCKCarePlanActivity )
-> Bool
There is a book called Beginning CareKit Development that I can cautiously recommend. It was written for an earlier version of Swift and you have to do a lot of "translation" to get things to work with Swift 3. The last time I checked the GitHub repository for the code associated with the book was also entirely in this earlier version. APress will provide the code updated to Swift 3 if you ask. On the Kindle there are numerous little glitches with the book, including an index that has no page numbers nor hyperlinks to the associated text, very odd formatting choices that make the text sometimes hard to distinguish from code, and occasional errors in the solution code. All that said, I doubt that I'd have made any progress with CareKit without the book's help.
I've been looking for this answer myself.
As far as I researched, you can customize this screen visually with UIAppearance.
AND/OR you can create a new screen like this one from scratch using its behavior.
You can check the CareKit source code for hints on this:
There you'll notice some interesting classes/files:
CareKit draws each screen via code. You can see how they do it by reading the code.
The idea is to create your own ViewController with these pieces, or one from scratch.
Surely it's not as trivial as just using CareCardViewController, but this will get you there.

Add a small video clip as background

I have an app and would like to have a video loop in the background of my initial view. It will serve as my home screen and menu and will have buttons overlaying on top of it. I have looked around but can't seem to find a guide or tutorial on this.
Take a look at MPMoviePlayerController for what is probably the most approachable way to attack the video idea.
MPMoviePlayerController will very quickly let you present a fullscreen interface, but will require a bit more work to use it "in-line" which is what you are describing.
Otherwise you'll find yourself wandering down the AVAsset path, which will allow far more control over what is happening, but will require quite a bit more code to configure.
As far as 3rd party options go, using the excellent GPUImage will allow you to throw a video at a view quite seamlessly and with very little code written on your part (the "SimpleVideoFileFilter" project in the examples can show you the way). But since you are merely displaying a video, this would be a significant amount of bloat for your project.
Bigger picture, using Animations instead of a movie has lots of appeal, for the performance, battery life, and general responsiveness of your app reasons stated by others.

Using flash inside a native iOS app

I'm working on a native Objective-C iOS app and I'm wondering if it is possible to embed an animation created in Flash into my app. The animation doesn't have to be interactive, all I need is a couple of animated screens (intro screen, loading screen). Is this posible?
Maybe the long way around since it doesn't sound like you need a Flash-heavy type app but I have seen a few Flash-toCocoa2D exporters around. I haven't got around to trying them yet but they look useful. Of course you probably have to be using the Cocoa2D frame work to use them - unless there is an easy way to extract + repurpose that relevant code from the Cocoa2D source.
Anyway, probably overkill for what you need but here are some links:
VID of it in action:
Another tool:
Nope...Apple will reject any app that uses flash
you could use video player for intro screen (i've seen it on a few apps) or simple picture animation using UIView animation methods
here is a tutorial

iPad Music app like interface

I'm making internet radio app for iPad and I was wondering if there are standard or custom implementations of iPad Music app-like interface. I mean thumbnails of albums and when you tap on a thumbnail - cover animation and presenting another controller. Is there something for that? Thanks a lot
Nope. There are bits and pieces of code that don't really work (those are all separate links), but they're a good start for getting something like coverflow working.
Also, you might want to try showing examples of what you have already found in your searching, or any code/UI you've already implemented. Most people on SO are happy to help, but don't take well to 'I haven't put any effort into this yet, please show me all the code I need for my project'. Even if you have put effort in, if you post a 2 sentence question with no demonstrable work, people will assume the worst. Best of luck.
