How to make UIImageView scroll like movie credits? - ios

I want to make Credits in my application, so I make that as an image and I am using UIImageView. I want to make that image scroll up from bottom unseen until all image finish and repeat again infinitely.
I can do that with cocos2d but now I am not using cocos2d and only use UIImageView.
Please share some code...Thanks in advance.

Stick the long image into a UIScrollView and animate its contentOffset. Repeat infinitely. If your image is very large, it might be a good idea to split it into several small ones and insert them consecutively.


Position image without autolayout

I hope this question makes sense.
I have 2 images in my viewcontroller. One is for a background and the second I need to move around on top of that image freely. I am using autolayout for the background image, but when I test on different devices the second image is not in the proper place because I am not using the autolayout on it and therefore it does not move correctly.
How can I move the image to be in the proper place. Is there some way to set it properly in code. I guess I mean how could I set the autolayout in code since this image will have many positions it needs to move to.

UIImageView Crossfade Animation Manual Progress

I have an image view I want to have crossfading between two images. There isn't a set time I want this animation to take place, however. I want it to be controlled by a slider where they can slide between viewing the two images and having them crossfade relative to the slider's progress.
My question is, is there a better way to do this than overlaying two UIImageViews and adjusting the alpha property for the top one? Is there a way I can manually set a crossfade animation's progress between two images using one UIImageView?
Try iCarousel which will let you do crossfade animations within a single view.
iCarousel is a class designed to simplify the implementation of various types of carousel (paged, scrolling views)

How to apply UIView shifts when scrolling between pages

i'm trying to apply a shift effect to subviews of a UIView, but those shifts should'n have the same phase. A good example of that is the welcome screen in SoundClound.
As you can see, in the second image i'm scrolling to the second page, and the label slides more than the image (so it looks that the label moves faster than the image). So the subviews lose the alignment when scrolling, but recover it back if we stop the swipe.
Does anyone know how this effect is named? and where can i find some help to implement it?
Thanks a lot!
"Parallax scrolling" is what you want to search for.
Basically it is done by moving foreground objects faster background objects to simulate depth.
Check out for a starting point!

UIScrollView Blur Effect

A am using the brilliant StackBlur class with in my project which works fine however I am trying to create a similar effect to the Yahoo Weather App in which the image blurs according to the scroll value. I have managed to achieve it using the scrollViewDidScroll method however the effect is slow and laggy.
What is the best way yo resolve this? Storing the image to the Cache is the only thing I can think of.
I simply created two UIImageViews one with the blur and then set the alpha to zero and increased it with the content offset off the scrollview.
You don't need to blur every time when scrollViewDidScroll called. Instead, you need a blurred imageView with the final blur effect and none blurred imageView placed below the blurred one. Change view.alpha of blurred imageView from 0.0 to 1.0 will get this effect without extra cost.
Try DKLiveBlur to show live effect of yahoo blur.

UIScrollView with two overlapping UIImageView

I'm new to objective-c and iOS development.
I need an iPad application to display some images and designs (draw) over its, but the design needs be done in a separate image. My idea is use two overlapping UIImageViews, the first one is the images that I want to see, and the second one is an image with transparent background where I will draw some things with finger. All of this is OK and i have implemented, but I need that the zoom be enabled to tow images in the same time. When I'm zooming, the tow images need be resized at the same time.
The scroll needs to work to the images at the same time too.
How can I do this?
Somebody help me!
The two UIImageViews you are overlapping should be subviews of the same UIView.
Then, apply scrolling and zooming to the base UIView, and it will affect also the subviews.
If you haven't added the two UIImageViews to a UIView, then you can do that like this:
[view addSubview:imageView1];
[view addSubview:imageView2];
