PostgreSQL + Rails concurrency clarification - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a background job that's updating users' statistics for a web application. The job currently takes 55-60 seconds, and I'm concerned about what would happen if a user were to try to load his stats page at the same time that job is running.
From what I've read about PostgreSQL and concurrency, if two clients attempt to access the same row (one updating and one reading), and I'm not explicitly starting any transactions, the first one just has to wait for the second one to finish.
So if I'm understanding that correctly, the only performance hit I'm likely to incur is on the infinitesimally small chance that a user tries to load his stats page at the same moment that the row is being updated. It's not like the whole stats table is locked up during the 55-60 second job unless I were to explicitly configure Postgres to do that, right?
Is that a correct interpretation? Are there other factors I'm missing?
(I mention the Rails part just in case it has any bearing on the above scenario)
(Also: the PostgreSQL version is 9.0.4)

It depends on transaction isolation level. If I've got your case - you are talking about Dirty Read avoiding delay. And YES, Dirty Read is impossible if you are using default isolation level. Reader will wait for the writer only when it will try to get the same row that is being updated.
Read Committed is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL. When a transaction runs on this isolation level, a SELECT query sees only data committed before the query began;
specs on ISOLATION


Rails/Postgres - What type of DB lock do I need?

I have a PendingEmail table which I push many records to for emails I want to send.
I then have multiple Que workers which process my app's jobs. One of said jobs is my SendEmailJob.
The purpose of this job is to check PendingEmail, pull the latest 500 ordered by priority, make a batch request to my 3rd party email provider, wait for array response of all 500 responses, then delete the successful items and mark the failed records' error column. The single job will continue in this fashion until the records returned from the DB are 0, and the job will exit/destroy.
The issues are:
It's critical only one SendEmailJob processes email at one time.
I need to check the database every second if a current SendEmailJob isn't running. If it is running, then there's no issue as that job will get to it in ~3 seconds.
If a table is locked (however that may be), my app/other workers MUST still be able to INSERT, as other parts of my app need to add emails to the table. I mainly just need to restrict SELECT I think.
All this needs to be FAST. Part of the reason I did it this way is for performance as I'm sending millions of email in a short timespan.
Currently my jobs are initiated with a clock process (Clockwork), so it would add this job every 1 second.
What I'm thinking...
Que already uses advisory locks and other PG mechanisms. I'd rather not attempt to mess with that table trying to prevent adding more than one job in the first place. Instead, I think it's ok that potentially many SendEmailJob could be running at once, as long as they abort early if there is a lock in place.
Apparently there are some Rails ways to do this but I assume I will need to execute code directly to PG to initiate some sort of lock in each job, but before doing that it checks if there already is one lock, and if there is it aborts)
I just don't know which type of lock to choose, whether to do it in Rails or in the database directly. There are so many of them with such subtle differences (I'm using PG). Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Answer: I needed an advisory lock.

My server gets overloaded even though I keep a limit on the requests I send it

I have a server on Heroku - 3 dynos, 2 processes each.
The server does 2 things:
It responds to requests from the browser (AJAX and some web pages), based on data stored in a postgresql database
It exposes a REST API to update the data in the database. This API is called by another server. The rate of calls is limited: The other server only calls my server through a queue with a single worker, which makes sure the other server doesn't issue more than one request in parallel to my server (I verified that indeed it doesn't).
When I look at new relic, I see the following graph, which suggests that even though I keep the other server at one parallel request at most, it still loads my server which creates peaks.
I'd expect that since the rate of calls from the other server is limited, my server will not get overloaded, since a request will only start when the previous request ended (I'm guessing that maybe the database gets overloaded if it gets an update request and returns but continue processing after that).
What can explain this behaviour?
Where else can I look at in order to understand what's going on?
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour?
There are whole lot of directions this investigation could go, but from your screenshot and some inferences, I have two guesses.
A long query—You'd see this graph if your other server or a browser occasionally hits a slow query. If it's just a long read query and your DB isn't hitting its limits, it should only affect the process running the query, but if the query is taking an exclusive lock, all dynos will have to wait on it. Since the spikes are so regular, first think of anything you have running on a schedule - if the cadence matches, you probably have your culprit. The next simple thing to do is run heroku pg:long-running-queries and heroku pg:seq-scans. The former shows queries that might need optimization, and the latter shows full table scans you can probably fix with a different query or a better index. You can find similar information in NewRelic's Database tab, which has time and throughput graphs you can try to match agains your queueing spikes. Finally, look at NewRelic's Transactions tab.
There are various ways to sort - slowest average response time is probably going to help, but check out all the options and see if any transactions stand out.
Click on a suspicious transaction and look at the graph on the right. If you see spikes matching your queueing buildups, that could be it, but since it looks to be affecting your whole site, watch out for several transactions seeing correlated slowdowns.
Check out the transaction traces at the bottom. Something in there taking a long time to run is as close to a smoking gun as you'll get. This should correlate with pg:long-running-queries.
Look at the breakdown table between the graph and the transaction traces. Check for things that are taking a long time (eg. a 2 second external request) or happening often (eg, a partial that gets rendered 2500 times per request). Those are places for caching or optimization.
Garbage collection—This is less likely because Ruby GCs all the time and there's no reason it would show spikes on that regular cadence, but if there's a regular request that allocates a ton of objects, both building the objects and cleaning them up will take time. It would only affect one dyno at once, and it would be correlated with a long or highly repetitive query in your NewRelic investigation. You can see some stats about this in NewRelic's Ruby VM tab.
Take a look at your dyno and DB memory usage too. Both are printed to the Heroku logs, and if you add Librato, they'll build some automatic graphs that are quite helpful. If your dyno is swapping, performance will suffer and you should either upgrade to a bigger dyno or run fewer processes per dyno. Processes will typically accumulate memory as they run and never quite release as much as you'd like, so tune it so that right before a restart, your dyno is just under its available RAM. Similarly for the DB, if you're hitting swap there, query performance will suffer and you should upgrade.
Other things it could be, but probably isn't in this case:
Sleeping dynos—Heroku puts a dyno to sleep if it hasn't served a request in a while, but only if you have just 1 dyno running. You have 3, so this isn't it.
Web Server Concurrency—If at any given moment, there are more requests than available processes, requests will be queued. The obvious fix is to increase the available dynos/processes, which will put more load on your DB and potentially move the issue there. Since some regular request is visible every time, I'm guessing request volume is low and this also isn't your problem.
Heroku Instability—Sometimes, for no obvious reason, Heroku starts queueing requests more than it should and doesn't report any issues at Restarting the dynos typically fixes that temporarily while Heroku gets their head back on straight.

Ruby on Rails performance on lots of requests and DB updates per second

I'm developing a polling application that will deal with an average of 1000-2000 votes per second coming from different users. In other words, it'll receive 1k to 2k requests per second with each request making a DB insert into the table that stores the voting data.
I'm using RoR 4 with MySQL and planning to push it to Heroku or AWS.
What performance issues related to database and the application itself should I be aware of?
How can I address this amount of inserts per second into the database?
I was thinking in not inserting into the DB for each request, but instead writing to a memory stream the insert data. So I would have a scheduled job running every second that would read from this memory stream and generate a bulk insert, avoiding each insert to be made atomically. But i cannot think in a nice way to implement this.
While you can certainly do what you need to do in AWS, that high level of I/O will probably cost you. RDS can support up to 30,000 IOPS; you can also use multiple EBS volumes in different configurations to support high IO if you want to run the database yourself.
Depending on your planned usage patterns, I would probably look at pushing into an in-memory data store, something like memcached or redis, and then processing the requests from there. You could also look at DynamoDB, which might work depending on how your data is structured.
Are you going to have that level of sustained throughput consistently, or will it be in bursts? Do you absolutely have to preserve every single vote, or do you just need summary data? How much will you need to scale - i.e. will you ever get to 20,000 votes per second? 200,000?
These type of questions will help determine the proper architecture.

Delayed Processing Jobs in Ruby: How much is not blocking my path

I have this project which still uses delayed job as processing job queue. I've recently found an edge case which is making me question a few things: I have this AR (I'm using MySQL, by the way) object, which on update sends a message to all the elements of an has_many association. In order to do that, I have to instantiate all the elements of this association an call the message on them. It seemed only fair enough to delay the call of this message for each one of them.
Now the association has grown quite a bit, where in an edge case I have 40000 objects belonging to that association. The message sending thereby now involves the (synchronous) creation of 40000 delayed-job jobs. Since these happen inside an after update callback an not after commit, they are thereby (ab)using the same connection, not taking advantage of any context-switching. Short version, I have a pipe of 1 Update statement and 40000 Inserts on the same connection. This update is gobbling quite a few minutes in production, for that reason.
Now, there are a lot of ways around this: Change the callback to an after commit, creating 1 (synchronous) delayed job which will create 40000 jobs (I don't want to handle the 40000 (AR) objects in one job, the 40000 now will be 120000 tomorrow, and that's memory-armageddon), etc etc...
But what I'm really considering is switching my delayed processing queue to resque or sidekiq. They use redis, so write performance is far better. They use something rather than MySQL, which means the connections will not block each other. My only issue is: how much would 40000 writes at once to redis cost me? And: does any one of these options first store the jobs in memory, not blocking the response to the client and belatedly stores them in redis? So, my real question is: how much would this delaying delay me in such an edge case?
Indeed, Redis can process writes faster than MySQL. Try running redis-benchmark, you'll see figures of 100k+ writes/sec.
does any one of these options first store the jobs in memory, not blocking the response to the client and belatedly stores them in redis?
No, they do it synchronously.
I don't want to handle the 40000 (AR) objects in one job
Maybe you should try hybrid approach: process chunks of N objects per job. Batch writes should be faster than 40k individual writes. And it scales well (batch size will stay the same, be it 40k or 400k items).

Load Ruby on Rails models without loading the entire framework

I'm looking to create a custom daemon that will run various database tasks such as delaying mailings and user notifications (each notice is a separate row in the notifications table). I don't want to use script/runner or rake to do these tasks because it is possible that some of the tasks only require the create of one or two database rows or thousands of rows depending on the task. I don't want the overhead of launching a ruby process or loading the entire rails framework for each operation. I plan to keep this daemon in memory full time.
To create this daemon I would like to use my models from my ruby on rails application. I have a number of rails plugins such as acts_as_tree and AASM that I will need loaded if I where to use the models. Some of the plugins I need to load are custom hacks on ActiveRecord::Base that I've created. (I am willing to accept removing or recoding some of the plugins if they need components from other parts of rails.)
My questions are
Is this a good idea?
And - Is this possible to do in a way that doesn't have me manually including each file in my models and plugins?
If not a good idea
What is a good alternative?
(I am not apposed to doing writing my own SQL queries but I would have to add database constraints and a separate user for the daemon to prevent any stupid accidents. Given my lack of familiarity with configuring a database, I would like to use active record as a crutch.)
It sounds like your concern is that you don't want to pay the time- or memory- cost to spin up the rails stack every time your task needs to be run? If you plan on keeping the daemon running full-time, as you say, you can just daemonize a process that has loaded your rails stack and will only have to pay that memory- or time-related penalty for loading the stack one time, when the daemon starts up.
Async_worker is a good example of this sort of pattern: It uses beanstalk to pass messages to one or more worker processes that are each just daemons that have loaded the full rails stack.
One thing you have to pay attention to when doing this is that you'll need to restart your daemonized processes upon a deploy so they can reload your updated rails stack. I'm using this for a url-shortener app (the single async worker process I have running sits around waiting to save referral data after the visitor gets redirected), and it works well, I just have an after:deploy capistrano task that restarts any async worker(s).
You can load up one aspect of Rails such as ActiveRecord but when you get right down to it the cost of loading the entire environment is not much more than just loading ActiveRecord itself. You could certainly just not include aspects like ActionMailer or some of the side bits but I'm going to guess that you're not going to see much win out of it.
What I would suggest instead is either running through runner/console like you said you didn't want to but rather than bootstrapping each time, try to batch things so that you're doing 1000 at a time instead of 1. There are a lot of projects that use this style, some of the bulk mailers spring to mind if you want examples. DJ (delayed_job) does similar by storing a bit in the database saying that this code needs to be run at some point in the future using the environment stack but it tries to batch together as much as it can so you may get win from that.
The other option is to have a persistent mini-rails app with as much stripped out as possible so that the memory usage is lower which can listen for requests and do your bidding when you want it to. This would be more memory but the latency of bootstrapping would be essentially nullified.
Lastly, as an afterthought, this would be a great use for Postgres.
