AdMob test ads not working - iOS - ios

I am using AdMob through AdWhirl and last week running in the simulator showed test ads from both AdMob and iAd.
Nothing has changed in my AdWhirl code, and test mode is still on, yet I no longer get test ads from AdMob. Every now and then I get a proper ad. Test ads from iAd are fine.
I have tried the AdWhirl and AdMob forums but my posts never get posted!
Anyone know what the problem could be?

I think that you may need to modify the code in the AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.m. The line where it turns on test mode
[additional setObject:#"on" forKey:#"adtest"];
Should probably be changed to
request.testDevices = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
It looks like the method of using "adtest" in the additionalParamters property of GADRequest doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Of course, this also assumes you've overridden the adWhirlTestMode method in your class that is an AdWhirlDelegate.

if you changed nothing..then it is from there side..try changing priorities..and traffic of the ads network in adwhirl.


AdMob ads won't show anymore on my IOS App

I have been having this issues for at least over 2 weeks. I uploaded my app and at first the ads would show and everything was fine then out of no where ads will not show anymore and analytics and shows ads are being requested but nothing is shown. I have no poilcy center issues and test ads work fine. I put the app-ads.txt which got verified and when I debug now I get this error, ""AdMob App ID changed. Original, new: (nil)". I just made another app and now the same thing is happening. I have tried verifying my payments and everythig is seeming fine. This issue has be annoying me and have made at least another 2 posts and still no reply.
Have you had a look at this answer?
The accepted answer states you need to add the required 'NSAppTransportSecurity' keys into your info.plist.
Ad: Monitor your Admob and Mopub earnings using the Motics ios app.

IOS - Admob not loading real (rewarded) ads

When trying to load rewarded ads I get the following error:
<Google> To get test ads on this device, set: GADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers = #[ #"a 32-character-string" ];
Loading test ads works, but when trying to show real ads, it says: Request Error: No ad to show.
Apple will not allow my App on the App Store, because the ads don't work.
I have not managed to fix this, since this article didn't help.
Adidionally, I have not used this in my code: .addTestDevice() and my Admob account is way older than 24 hours (it's possibly even many years old).
Is there a way to fix this?
depends, If you are using your own device or a simulator you cannot view your own adverts. you have to use a test ad id.
I also suspect that Apple was not holding your app because you did not follow one of their guidelines. You can find them on Apple's App Review page. If it is because the ads do not work, try the following:
remove the advertisements
upload to the app store
configure AdMob to use your AppStore id
update your app to include the advertisement later
This means there will not be a version of your app that breaks apple's placeholder content rule.
Apple also provides a test service called TestFlight and that may help you.

Why am I getting admob clicks before iphone app is released

The past couple of iphone apps I have released have gotten clicks on admob before they even get released to the appstore! I do not know what's going on. Every time I test I always use the xcode simulator which uses test ads and I never install on my iphone! I do not want to get my admob account banned. Does anybody have any ideas about what is going on? I tried using different phones to archive and upload my build but still this problem persists. I have looked everywhere and I have not found anybody who has had this same problem. Is it maybe incorrectly displaying where the revenue is coming from? Also any time a test interstitial popped up on the simulator, I never clicked on it, always x'ed it out.
There are various possibilities:
It is possible that also the test ads are counted.
Apple review team may be playing with the app.
You are not always connected to the test Ad service.
i think that making sure that test ads are turned on and not counted on Admob's side would be a solution. also this link might be useful

Admob Error only happening for one app

I have implemented admob banners into many iOS apps, and never had this problem. Now, using the same sdk version, same code, and a variety of IDs that currently work in other app projects, this one project gives the following output and does not display a banner:
To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = #[ GAD_SIMULATOR_ID ];
Why does it only happen in this Xcode project and how can I fix it? I'm not looking to find out how to enable testing mode. I want to get it to work just like all my other apps without testing mode.
It always displays that message. It i letting you know that if you want test ads to set the testing id. If you are not getting a banner then something else is occurring. Perhaps you have no ad fill or have misconfigured the ad.

iPad AdMob integration issues - ads showing but not much more

I have an AdMob ad integrated in my iPad game app and seeing two issues:
The test ad I get is the wrong size.
I am not sure if this is intentional or will fix itself when the app is live.
When I click the test ad in my app (AdMob Test iPhone Ad), it disappears and I get no more ads.
Neither 'applicationWillTerminateFromAd' or 'didPresentFullScreenModalFromAd' are called.
The app continues to run as expected, but no more ads show.
Is that normal?
What can it be if not normal?
Thanks in advance to any of you masters that can shed light on this issue - otherwise, my app is ready to be submitted!
ps. I have free codes for the paid version if anyone interested!!
OK, got it, and here is how:
1. I used the wrong size. I tried to get a 748x90 pixel ad. The correct size is 748x110
This resolved the wrong size issue.
2. The test ad messes up for some reason, but using the following function let me test with real ads and they worked.
Happy developer - next stop: Apple!
- (BOOL)useTestAd {
return NO;
