Limiting ImageMagick Memory Use - memory

Basically I'm trying to keep the memory use on my Nginx server under a certain amount, both because I'm insane (according to my friends) & I want to save money. However I'm worried ImageMagick may push it over the edge.
I'm using -limit area 20MiB and I've also tried -limit memory 15MiB -limit map 15MiB but when checking the process (as it runs) through top -c (with Shift-M) and ps aux it shows it using, sometimes, considerably more memory than I've set in the limits. To give numbers it may be using 35MB or 40MB, instead of the 20MB/30MB I would expect. I wouldn't be bothered for 2MB or 3MB but that's quite a large offset.
I've been told the extra memory may be the ImageMagick's overhead as it loads the interpreter etc, but I'm not super familiar with Unix programs so haven't a clue in that department.
If anyone can explain why this is happening, that would be great. If it's a normal thing, great. I'll just adjust things to take into account the fact that it may use my limit plus a certain amount, but if it isn't and the -limit parameter doesn't limit memory to a certain amount, what exactly is the point in having that parameter in ImageMagick?
Again thanks for your help in advance, it's much appreciated, as always.

According the documentation ImageMagick is moving all memory operations to mmaped files, so it will start to swap if you have enough disk space, see the manual:
SNIP from manual -limit:
The value for File is in number of files. The Disk limit is in
Gigabutes and the values for the other resources are in Megabytes. By
default the limits are 768 files, 1024MB memory, 4096MB map, and
unlimited disk, but these are adjusted at startup time on platforms
that can provide information about available resources. When the limit
is reached, ImageMagick will fail in some fashion, or take
compensating actions if possible. For example, -limit memory 32 -limit
map 64 limits memory When the pixel cache reaches the memory limit it
uses memory mapping. When that limit is reached it goes to disk. If
disk has a hard limit, the program will fail.

The Limits only affect ImageMagick's pixel cache. The program code and anything the libraries / delegates may do to load or process the images are not influenced by these settings at all.
You don't specify what you're looking at in top, the proper column would obviously be RES or RSIZE. With such small limits as 20MiB, the program and library code will represent a significant fraction of resident set size.
To verify that you're using the right units for your environment variables, use identify -list resource . If the size of the memory pixel cache (MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT) is insufficient for an image, an mmap-ed file will be used (MAGICK_MAP_LIMIT) and if that limit is too low, a conventional disk file (MAGICK_DISK_LIMIT) is used instead. If all the limits are too low, ImageMagick will fail immediately with an error such as cache resources exhausted, Memory allocation failed or corrupt image.


What does libvips VIPS_DISC_THRESHOLD default=100 mean?

Does it mean that it will take 100MB (Open via Disk)?
Or it mean that it will take 100MB (Open via Memory)?
That's the threshold at which libvips will flip from open-via-memory to open-via-disc.
For small images (100mb when decompressed in this case), libvips will decompress to memory then process from there. This is obviously not a good idea for large images, so for these libvips will decompress to a temporary disc file, then map that area of disc into virtual memory and use that as the pixel source.
tldr: set VIPS_DISC_THRESHOLD to a small number to prefer the use of disc, set it to a large number to prefer RAM.
There's a chapter in the libvips docs which goes into a lot more detail:
To very quickly summarize:
libvips has at least four ways of opening images and tries hard to pick the best one for you automatically.
Sometimes it'll need a bit of help to hit the best path for your use case and you have three main ways of influencing this.
You can hint the access pattern you expect for this image with the access= parameter, you can set the threshold at which it'll flip between preferring memory and preferring disc, and you can say where you'd like disc temporaries to be held.

How do I increase maximum download size in an MVC application?

I am frankly stumped. This is beyond my experience.
I have a C# MVC program that generates a zip file in a MemoryStream for downloading. The action method is called by a button click to JavaScript.
The only problem is that in some cases the potential file size can easily exceed one Gig and from my reading, that is a common problem. I've tried upping the Maximum Allowed Content Length to 3000000000 in Request Filtering on IIS (IIS8). I've tried adding requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength to my web.config. I've even tried breaking up the zip through multiple calls to the action method (without success), although I have yet to get any confirmation/denial that this is even possible.
Is there any setting within IIS or my web.config that I could be overlooking? Could this be a company network issue, not solvable on an app developer's level?
Okay, so it's kind of hard to explain big concepts in 400 characters or less, so I think I'm just causing more confusion sticking in the comments section. Besides, I think we're close enough here to an "answer" as you're likely to get.
The default constructor of MemoryStream essentially sets the initial size to 0. In reality, the initial size is set to somewhere around 256, but since the initial size is mostly a guide, and it doesn't actually claim that space until its needed, it starts at 0.
Each time you write to the stream, it checks how much is being written versus the remaining size of the buffer array. If it can't fit the write, it creates a new, larger buffer array and copies the old buffer array into that. In this way, setting an initial size can help somewhat, in that you start off with a larger initial buffer array and you may not need to grow that buffer. You might have a better chance of getting a contiguous block of memory, which I'll explain the importance of in a bit, but that actually kind of works against you, as well. If you only need 1MB for the file, but you're initializing with 100MB and there's not 100MB of contiguous memory, you'll get an OutOfMemoryException, even though there might be 1MB of contiguous memory available.
Regardless of whether you initialize or not, there remains certain immutable facts. First, MemoryStream requires contiguous memory. Even if you technically have memory available on the system, it's possible you might not have large blocks of available memory. In other words if you have 4GB available, but it's all fragmented, even trying to create a 1GB stream in memory could fail, simply because it can't reserve 1GB of contiguous memory. Obviously, the larger the file you're tying to create in memory, the greater the chances that you're going to run into this issue. For this reason alone, I would say you're out of luck without raising the amount of system RAM. With 8GB and probably only 4-6GB actually available to IIS and then split up between worker processes and threads, the odds that you're going to be able to claim 25% or so of the available RAM as contiguous space, is highly unlikely.
The next immutable fact may or may not be relevant, but since you haven't specified, I'll mention it. If your web app is deployed as 32-bit, you'll have a hard limit of 2GB for any object, meaning a MemoryStream could never house more than 2GB (actually around 1.3-1.6GB as .NET code consumes some of that address space), and any attempt to make it do so will result in an OutOfMemoryException, even if you had some ridiculous amount of RAM on the system like 1TB+. If your app is 64-bit, this is less likely an issue as you can address a ton more memory, assuming it's compiled properly. You'd have to pretty much try to screw that up, though, so you should be fine.
Finally, multiple writes can cause an issue as well. As I said previously, the buffer array resizes (if necessary) in response to writes. Each time it resizes, the new buffer array must also be able to fit in contiguous address space. As a result, multiple resizes can cause you to bump into an OutOfMemoryException you wouldn't have hit if you had written all the data from the start. This is where initializing the MemoryStream can be helpful, but as I said before, it's also a double-edged sword, as your initial buffer size might be too great to begin with and you end up with an exception where you may have not had one letting it grow organically. Long and short, try to write everything to the stream in one go rather than piecemeal.

How does browser GPU memory usage works?

By pressing F12 and then Esc on Chrome, you can see a few options to tick. One of them is show FPS meter, which allows us to see GPU memory usage in real time.
I have a few questions regarding this GPU memory usage:
This GPU memory means the memory the webpage needs to store its code: variables, methods, images, cached videos, etc. Is this right to affirm?
Is there a reason as to why it has an upper bound of 512 Mb? Is there a way to reduce or increase it?
How much GPU memory usage is enough to see considerable slowdown on browser navigation?
If I have an array with millions of elements (just hypothetically), and I splice all the elements in the array, will it free the memory that was in use? Or will it not "really" free the memory, requiring an additional step to actually wipe it out?
1. What is stored in GPU memory
Although there are no hard-set rules on the type of data that can be stored in GPU-memory, the bulk of GPU memory generally contains single-frame resources like textures, multi-frame resources like vertex buffers and index buffer data, and programmable-shader compiled code fragments. So while in theory it is possible to store video's in GPU memory, as well as all kinds of other bulk data, in practice, for every streamed video only a bunch of frames will ever be in GPU-ram.
The main reason for this soft-selection of texture-like data sets is that a GPU is a parallel hardware architecture, and it expects the data to be compatible with that philosophy, which means that there are no inter-dependencies between sets of data (i.e. pixels). Decoding images from a video stream is more or less the same as resolving interdependence between data-blocks.
2. Is 512MB enough for everyone?
No. It's probably based on your hardware.
3. When does GPU memory become slow?
You have to know that some parts of the GPU memory are so fast you can't even start to appreciate the speed. There is nothing wrong with the speed of a GPU card. What matters is the time it takes to get the data IN that memory in the first place. That is called bandwidth, and the operations usually need to be synchronized. In that case, the driver will lock the Northbridge bus so that data can flow from main memory into GPU memory, and this locking + transfer takes quite some time.
So to answer the question, once it is uploaded, the GUI will remain fast, no matter how much more memory is used on the GPU card. The only thing that can slow it down, are changes to the GUI, and other GPU processes taking time to complete that may interfere with rendering operations.
4. Splicing ram memory frees it up?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by splicing. GPU memory is freed by applications that release that memory by using the API calls to do that. If you want to render you GPU memory blank, you'd have to grab the GPU handles of the resources first, upload 'clear' data into them, and then release the handles again, but (for normal single-threaded GPU applications) you can only do that in your own process context.

Dynamic Array Memory Allocation Strategies

I've written a 32bit program using a dynamic array to store a list of triangles with an unknown count. My current strategy is to estimate a very large number of triangles and then trim the list when all the triangles are created. In some cases I'll only allocate memory once in others I'll need to add to the allocation.
With a very large data set I'm running out of memory when my application is memory usage is about 1.2GB and since the allocation step is so large I feel like I may be fragmenting memory.
Looking at FastMM (memory manager) I see these constants which would suggest one of these as a good size to increment by.
ChunkSize = 64 * 1024;
MaximumSmallBlockSize = 32752;
LargeBlockGranularity = 64 * 1024;
Would one of these be an optimal size for increasing the size of an array?
Eventually this program will become 64bit but we're not quite ready for that step.
Your real problem here is not that you are running out of memory, but that the memory allocator cannot find a large enough block of contiguous address space. Some simple things you can do to help include:
Execute the code in a 64 bit process.
Add the LARGEADDRESSAWARE PE flag so that your process gets a 4GB address space rather than 2GB.
Beyond that the best you can do is allocate smaller blocks so that you avoid the requirement to store your large data structure in contiguous memory. Allocate memory in blocks. So, if you need 1GB of memory, allocate 64 blocks of size 16MB, for instance. The exact block size that you use can be tuned to your needs. Larger blocks result in better allocation performance, but smaller blocks allow you to use more address space.
Wrap this up in a container that presents an array like interface to the consumer, but internally stores the memory in non-contiguous blocks.
As far as I know, dynamic arrays in Delphi use contiguous address space (at least in the virtual memory address space.)
Since you are running out of memory at 1.2 gb, I guess that's the point where the memory manager can't find a block contiguous memory large enough to fit a larger array.
One way you can work around this limitation would be to implement your array as a collection of smaller array of (lets say) 200 mb in size. That should give you some more headroom before you hit the memory cap.
From the 1.2 gb value, I would guess your program isn't compiled to be "large address aware". You can see here how to compile your application like this.
One last trick would be to actually save the array data in a file. I use this trick for one of my application where I needed to load a few GB of images to be displayed in a grid. What I did was to create a file with the attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE and saved/loaded images from the resulting file. From CreateFile documentation:
A file is being used for temporary storage. File systems avoid writing
data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available,
because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is
closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data.
Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.
Since it makes use of cache memory, I believe it allows an application to use memory beyond the 32 bits limitation since the cache is managed by the OS and (as far as I know) not mapped inside the process' virtual memory space. After doing this change, performance were still pretty good. But I can't say if performances would still be good enough for your needs.

VS2005: Limit the Heap size

Is the a VS2005 C++ compiler flag like the Xmx???M java flag so I can limit the heap size of my application running on Windows.
I need to limit the heap size so I can fill the memory to find out the current free memory. (The code also runs on an embedded system where this is the best method to get the memory usage)
You can set the heap size for your program by setting the size in:
Linker -> System -> Heap Reserve Size
It can also be set at the compiler command line using /HEAP:reserve
You might want to look into whether the gflags utility (in the Windows Debugging Tools) can do this. It can do a lot of other interesting things with the heap of native applications.
The heap size depends on the allocator used. There might also be some Windows API call that limits the amount of memory a process can allocate, but I'm not aware of one and I don't feel like looking for it right now, sorry. But in general, if you write your own allocator (maybe just wrap around the compiler-provided malloc() or new operator) you can artificially limit the heap size that way.
Alternatively, if you have your own allocator, even if just a wrapper, you can keep track of how much memory has been allocated in total. If you know the amount available you can just do some subtraction and be done with getting the total. You might also be able to get fragmentation statistics then, like largest free block.
