Test iPhone app made in flex on iPhone 3GS? - ios

I have built an app in Adobe Flex (4.5) and it works well on Android, but i need to test it on an iDevice. I have an iPhone 3GS available, and I have made a provisioning profile with it and certified it through the proper Apple channels, but trying to install the app to the phone through iTunes results in an error (the same one you get when trying to install non-market apps), and I can't find a way to import it into xCode.
NOTE: I developed the app on a PC in Flex, but have a MacBook Pro available for testing.
Is there any way to test my app or am I out of luck?

You need a developer version of your iPhone for it to work. Take a peek at the Adobe documentation. Look at Page 4 for "Obtaining and working with iPhone developer file".


Can I test my Flutter application in a real apple device without apple developer account, and if so how do I do it?

I've read the following SO Question and Article. The first SO Question says I need to have an apple developer account to test my application on a real IOS device, however I do not think the 100$ investment to get an apple developer account is worth it. So the Article states that I can deploy it using xcode but the article is targetted for Ionic users. I however, am not an Ionic developer but I am a Flutter developer.
What I want to know is if the Article is feasible for Flutter, and is the minimum iOS version 9.0. Any help would be appreciated thank you!
You can also test on real device without apple paid developer program(you need to add free iclocud id in xcode).
do 'flutter run' on your mac with iphone connected and app will work on real device (if not working run'flutter doctor' and see is your iphone showing i connected devices)
usually what i do is first run on simulator with flutter run which builds ios files then i goto flutter-project-directory/ios/ open any file by double click it will show open ios module in xcode click it. now you can run or upload app to testflight/appstore like we do with native IOS app.
Flutter is supported down to iOS 8.0. I think you can test on a Simulator without an account at all, and you just need an Apple account and an iOS device to test on a real device and build the app. You pay the 100$/year to upload on the App Store.

Build iOS application package (ipa) without physical device

I have a ionic/cordova application. In Android, I can both build for debug and release (self-signed locally) and generate an .apk package to distribute anyone, being quite easy. On the other side, for iOS: I have a friend with an Iphone, and so far impossible to test the application there. We have hundreds of km between us. I have the Xcode and I have tried in the simulator, but I want to try it in a real iOS device. I have even his account (appleid and I can see the iphone), in Xcode I have the User role as iOS Development (tried with Generic Device but also his own iphone version), but I cannot get my app signed to generate the .ipa package (that I would send to him). There are two errors: a) one regarding no profile / device associated with our account b) no valid bundle id. It seems that Xcode needs physically the iphone connected to the Xcode computer.
So, my questions:
How can I create the .ipa to distribute (just for testing purposes, I don't mind about the App Store)?
In case I subscribe to the Development Team ($99) to be able to publish in App Store, can I generate the .ipa without having any phone connected to the computer?
In case I need a physical device, can I just use a 2nd generation iPad (max iOS 9), with the latest Xcode (Mojave), even if it is not listed in the devices "it supports"? (minimum is 5th generation iPad listed in build for)?

Xcode- no devices registered in your account- Work around?

I am a new Apple Developer, I am looking to explore Metal API, not developing for iPhones or iPad, at this moment. I am building basic triangles right now, working with iOS Generic Device.
I have been facing this bug while trying to build-
Failed to create provisioning profile.
There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
and the other is-
Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching 'com.anuragazad.MBE-2-1'
Now, I have signed into one of my Apple IDs, going by the errors, it seems the IDE wants me to plugin my iPhone or iPad and register it, I do not want to do that. Is there a work around for this? I just want to explore Metal and use Build for Generic iOS devices.
PS. Please bear with any incorrect usage I might have had in the question, very new to graphics/metal/xcode
Metal apps do not run on the iOS simulator; they require a device with an Apple A7 chip or later. Apps created for macOS/OS X will of course run on macOS.
Apple Staff Reply: Metal is not supported in the iOS Simulator.
↳ https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/31120

How can I run my own ios app on my iphone 6S with iOs 10.2?

I developed an app with XCode 8. However, I don't really find any help how to run my app on my own phone. There are just some tutorials for running it on my phone with XCode 7 but those don't really work for me.
Does somebody know how to do that ? Thank you !
Go to http://developer.apple.com and log in with your Apple developer account.
Create a developer certificate
Create an app id for your app
Create a provisioning profile
Download the provisioning profile and import it into Xcode.
Connect your iPhone to your computer. Select your iPhone in Xcode.
Build and run your app.
Or let Xcode do all that for you, since it happens automatically if Xcode is connected to your developer account.
This process is all documented on Apple's developer web site.
AFAIK you just need to:
Start Xcode
Unlock your iPhone
Connect your iPhone to your mac using the Lightning USB cable.
You should be asked (by Xcode) if you want to use the connected phone as a development device.
You can check, if the device is know to Xcode by clicking on Window / Devices. If you connect a device for the first time a little bit of 'magic' is going on that takes a while to complete.
Something like this maybe shown add 'Devices':

Testing Apps on a Device

When using trigger.io toolkit, there's an option that says
"Build and immediately run your app, either locally, on a simulator or on a connected device."
How do you run the app on a Connected Device? I want to see the app on my iPhone and see how it behaves directly. Is this possible?
I'm going to assume you're working on windows with an iPhone that's iOS8 because that's where you currently can't run your app directly on a connected device.
What we did to "fix" this is creating a Development Provisioning Profile with the UDID's of our test devices and added this to config -> tools in the trigger.io toolkit. In the forge you now select package -> iOS giving you a .ipa file. This .ipa can now be installed using iTunes on your test devices.
It's a bit longer than just clicking run on device like you can for Android but at least you don't have to send it to testflight and wait for apple's approval.
This is possible but it depends on your os.
If your on a Mac you can deploy to both ios and android devices from forge, just connect them via usb and build, grated you need to make sure iTunes sees your devices etc.. there are guides on the trigger site
If you are on Windows, you are unfortunate out of luck right now, this used to work but ios8 broke this so if your building on ios7 you could still do it on Windows, otherwise you would need to use testpiolet from apple
