Heres an example rule for oct values. Instead of using YYTEXT i'd like to get the value, letter and the # at end (8,...64). How might i get them? I guessed printf("%s", $1) to see if i'd get the value but lex gave me a compile error instead
Also it appears "group" isn't in the manual.
There are no capturing groups in flex.
I think this would best be represented as several states, with separate matching rules and state transitions.
I am starting to work with DLV (Disjunctive Datalog) and I have a rule that is reporting a "Rule is not safe" error, when running the code. The rule is the following:
foo(R, 1) :- not foo(R, _)
I have read the manual and seen that "cyclic dependencies are disallowed". I guess this is why I am being reported the error, but I am not sure how this statement is so problematic to DLV. The final goal is to have some kind of initialization in case that the predicate has not been defined.
More precisely, if there is no occurrence of 'foo' with the parameter R (and anything else), then define it with parameters R and 1. Once it is defined, the rule shouldn't be triggered again. So, this is not a real recursion in my opinion.
Any comments on how to solve this issue are welcomed!
I have realised that I probably need another predicate to match the parameter R in the body of the rule. Something like this:
foo(R, 1) :- not foo(R, _), bar(R)
Since, otherwise there would be no way to know whether there are no occurrences of foo(R, _). I don't know whether I made myself clear.
Anyway, this doesn't work either :(
To the particular "Rule is not safe" error: First of all this has nothing to do with cyclic or acyclic dependencies. The same error message shows up for the non-cyclic program:
foo2(R, 1) :- not foo(R,_), bar(R).
The problem is that the program is actually not safe ( As mentioned in the section on negative rules (anchor #AEN375, I am only allowed to use 2 links in my answer):
Variables, which occur in a negated literal, must also occur in a
positive literal in the body.
Observe that the _ is an anonymous variable. I.e., the program
foo(R,1) :- not foo(R,_), bar(R).
can be equivalently written as (and is equivalent to)
foo(R,1) :- not foo(R,X), bar(R).
Anonymous variables (DLV manual, anchor #AEN264 - at the end of the section) just allow us to avoid inventing names for variables that will only occur once within the rule (i.e. for variables that only express "there is some value, I absolutely do not care about it), but they are variables nevertheless. And since negation with not is "negation" and not "true negation" (or "strong negation" as it is also often called), none of the three safety conditions is satisfied by the rule.
A very rough and high-level intuition for safety is that it guarantees that every variable in the program can be assigned to some finite domain - as it is now the case with R by adding bar(R). However, the same also must be the case for the anonymous variable _ .
To the actual problem of defining default values:
As pointed out by lambda.xy.x, the problem here is the Answer Set (or stable model) semantics of DLV: Trying to do it in one rule does not give any solution:
In order to get a safe program, we could replace the above problems e.g. by
foo(1,2). bar(1). bar(2).
tmp(R) :- foo(R,_).
foo(R,1) :- not tmp(R), bar(R).
This has no stable model:
Assume the answer is, as intended,
{foo(1,2), bar(1), bar(2), foo(2,1)}
However, this is not a valid model, since tmp(R) :- foo(R,_) would require it to contain tmp(2). But then, "not tmp(2)" is no longer true, and therefore having foo(2,1) in the model violates the required minimality of the model. (This is not exactly what is going on, more a rough intuition. More technical details could be found in any article on answer set programming, a quick Google search gave me this paper as one of the first results:
In order to solve the problem, it is therefore somehow necessary to "break the cycle". One possibility would be:
foo(1,2). bar(1). bar(2). bar(3).
tmp(R) :- foo(R,X), X!=1.
foo(R,1) :- bar(R), not tmp(R).
I.e., by explicitly stating that we want to add R into the intermediate atom only if the value is different from 1, having foo(2,1) in the model does not contradict tmp(2) not being part of the model as well. Of course, this no longer allows to distinguish whether foo(R,1) is there as default value or by input, but if this is not required ...
Another possibility would be to not use foo for the computation, but some foo1 instead. I.e. having
foo1(R,X) :- foo(R,X).
tmp(R) :- foo(R,_).
foo1(R,1) :- bar(R), not tmp(R).
and then just use foo1 instead of foo.
I want match something like:
var i=1;
So I want to know if var has started at word boundary.
When it matches this line I want to know the last character of previous yytext.
Just to be sure that a char before var is really a non variable character( aka "\b" in regex)
One crude way to maintain old_yytext in each rule and also have a default rule ".".
How to get it?
The only way is to save a copy of the previous token, or at least the last character. Flex's buffer management strategy does not guarantee that the previous token still exists in memory. It is possible that the current token starts at the beginning of flex's buffer.
But doing the work of saving the previous token in every rule would be really silly. You should trust flex to work as advertised, and write appropriate rules. For example, if your identifier pattern looks like this:
then it is impossible for var to immediately follow an identifier because it would have been included in the idebtifier.
There is one common case in a "normal" flex scanner definition where a keyword or identifier might immediately follow an alphanumeric character, which is when the keyword immediately follows a number (123var). This is not usually a problem, because in almost all languages, it will trigger a syntax error (and if it isn't a syntax error, maybe it is ok :-) )
If you really want to trigger a lexical error, you can add a pattern which recognizes a number followed by a letter.
I was wondering about the behavior of this code:
str = "abcd"
print( str:find"a(bc)d" ) -- prints 1 4 bc
print( str:find"(ab)cd" ) -- prints 1 4 ab
Even though both of the two lines are looking for, and return, different strings, they return the same indices because they have the same frame of reference. In other words, the captures are ignored when calculating the indices, but then they are returned normally.
My original question was going to be about what went wrong, but then I saw that the manual actually indicates that this is proper behavior (though it isn't very clear).
The problem was that I was trying to find something based on a marker near it, without returning the position of that marker. I expected string.find to return the position of the first capture, if there was one, so I just wrapped the part I wanted the position of with parenthesis. Obviously, that didn't help. I found a different (and better) solution to the problem, but I don't think that is always possible or convenient.
Is there any reason for string.find to behave this way? Is there any particular benefit for users? If you have absolute mastery of Lua: is there actually no case where this causes a serious problem?
Captures are a byproduct of matching. Even when you give a patten that has captures, you are still interested in matching the whole pattern. In other words, matching answers the question: where in the given string does this subtext appear? Captures are just extra bits of information about the match.
string.find returns the location of the match to allow you (for instance) to continue parsing the string after the match, possibly with a different pattern.
One of the biggest problems with designing a lexical analyzer/parser combination is overzealousness in designing the analyzer. (f)lex isn't designed to have parser logic, which can sometimes interfere with the design of mini-parsers (by means of yy_push_state(), yy_pop_state(), and yy_top_state().
My goal is to parse a document of the form:
CODE1 this is the text that might appear for a 'CODE' entry
SUBCODE1 the CODE group will have several subcodes, which
may extend onto subsequent lines.
SUBCODE2 however, not all SUBCODEs span multiple lines
SUBCODE3 still, however, there are some SUBCODES that span
not only one or two lines, but any number of lines.
this makes it a challenge to use something like \r\n
as a record delimiter.
CODE2 Moreover, it's not guaranteed that a SUBCODE is the
only way to exit another SUBCODE's scope. There may
be CODE blocks that accomplish this.
In the end, I've decided that this section of the project is better left to the lexical analyzer, since I don't want to create a pattern that matches each line (and identifies continuation records). Part of the reason is that I want the lexical parser to have knowledge of the contents of each line, without incorporating its own tokenizing logic. That is to say, if I match ^SUBCODE[ ][ ].{71}\r\n (all records are blocked in 80-character records) I would not be able to harness the power of flex to tokenize the structured data residing in .{71}.
Given these constraints, I'm thinking about doing the following:
Entering a CODE1 state from the <INITIAL> start condition results
in calls to:
(do something with the contents of the CODE1 state identifier, if such contents exist)
yy_push_state(SUBCODE_STATE) (to tell the analyzer to expect SUBCODE states belonging to the CODE_CODE1_STATE. This is where the analyzer begins to masquerade as a parser.
The <SUBCODE1_STATE> start condition is nested as follows: <CODE_STATE>{ <CODE_CODE1_STATE> { <SUBCODE_STATE>{ <SUBCODE1_STATE> { (perform actions based on the matching patterns) } } }. It also sets the global previous_state variable to yy_top_state(), to wit SUBCODE1_STATE.
Within <SUBCODE1_STATE>'s scope, \r\n will call yy_pop_state(). If a continuation record is present (which is a pattern at the highest scope against which all text is matched), yy_push_state(continuation_record_states[previous_state]) is called, bringing us back to the scope in 2. continuation_record_states[] maps each state with its continuation record state, which is used by the parser.
As you can see, this is quite complicated, which leads me to conclude that I'm massively over-complicating the task.
For states lacking an extremely clear token signifying the end of its scope, is my proposed solution acceptable?
Given that I want to tokenize the input using flex, is there any way to do so without start conditions?
The biggest problem I'm having is that each record (beginning with the (SUB)CODE prefix) is unique, but the information appearing after the (SUB)CODE prefix is not. Therefore, it almost appears mandatory to have multiple states like this, and the abstract CODE_STATE and SUBCODE_STATE states would act as groupings for each of the concrete SUBCODE[0-9]+_STATE and CODE[0-9]+_STATE states.
I would look at how the OMeta parser handles these things.
I'm making a web app where the point is to change a given word by one letter. For example, if I make a post by selecting the word: "best," then the first reply could be "rest," while the one after that should be "rent," "sent", etc. So, the word a user enters must have changed by one letter from the last submitted word. It would be constantly evolving.
Right now you can make a game and respond just by typing a word. I coded up a custom validation using functionality from the Amatch gem:
Posts have many responses, and responses belong to a post.
here's the code:
def must_have_changed_by_one_letter
m =
errors.add_to_base("Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter")
if m.match(post.responses.last.to_s.strip) != 1.0
When I try entering a new response for a test post I made (original word "best", first response is "rest") I get this:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ResponsesController#create
Validation failed: Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter
Any thoughts on what might be wrong?
Looks like there are a couple of potential issues here.
For one, is your if statement actually on a separate line than your errors.add_to_base... statement? If so, your syntax is wrong; the if statement needs to be in the same line as the statement it's modifying. Even if it is actually on the correct line, I would recommend against using a trailing if statement on such a long line; it will make it hard to find the conditional.
if m.match(post.responses.last.to_s.strip) != 1.0
errors.add_to_base("Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter")
Second, doing exact equality comparison on floating point numbers is almost never a good idea. Because floating point numbers involve approximations, you will sometimes get results that are very close, but not quite exactly equal, to a given number that you are comparing against. It looks like the Amatch library has several different classes for comparing strings; the Sellers class allows you to set different weights for different kinds of edits, but given your problem description, I don't think you need that. I would try using the Levenshtein or Hamming distance instead, depending on your exact needs.
Finally, if neither of those suggestions work, try writing out to a log or in the response the exact values of title.strip and post.responses.last.to_s.strip, to make sure you are actually comparing the values that you think you're comparing. I don't know the rest of your code, so I can't tell you whether those are correct or not, but if you print them out somewhere, you should be easily able to check them yourself.