How to access iOS native API in an Adobe Air iOS app? - ios

Adobe Air for mobile does not support native API calls. For Android there's a hack around it:
Is there a work around for Adobe Air iOS packager or ADT?

In AIR 3, you can write native extensions to access native API calls. This works for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Mac, and TV.


iOS & Adobe AIR working together

I know I can wrap native iOS code within an Adobe AIR application: Adobe calls it Native Extensions, which leverages native iOS API to offer features that Adobe AIR does not have.
My question is, what about the opposite way? Is there a way to wrap ActionScript/Adobe AIR code within a native iOS application? I know this is difficult, but I guess there must be some way.
Thank you for your advice.

Can I use an AIR Component/Library for developing iOS App using Xcode?

I want to develop a Flash Live Stream Player on iOS. As you known, Flash does not supported on iOS platform. I searched Google, but all results are about the ANE (Air Native Extensions).
Is there any way that building Xcode usable component/control/library/framework from Flash/Flex/AIR? Or any other solutions that playing flash on iOS?
Any advice would be grateful, thanks.

MediaCaptureViewController iOS Adobe Air native extension

Is there a way of writing a native extension for iOS using the MediaCaptureViewController to play video from local device storage on the iPhone/iPad (prerecorded or after it has been recorded) on StageVideo within the Air-App. The native Air SDK only contains browseForImage() but not browseForVideo() so does that mean its technically not possible or that it just hasn't been implemented yet? Are there any existing native extensions to solve this issue?

Facebook integration Adobe AIR iOS and Android

I was wondering if anyone has had experience using AS3 Facebook integration on mobile devices with Adobe AIR for iOS packager or Android? Ive used the Facebook API for AS3 before for websites but not sure it its feasible using it inside an iOS packager application?
All my client is wanting to do is post a highscore to a users wall.

Developing for Blackberry tablet without AIR

BlackBerry Tablet OS is basically a handicapped QNX so can I somehow develop apps for the tablet as a usual QNX application, by using gcc and PhAB for photon gui?
How do I develop apps for the Blackberry tablet without use of Adobe AIR?
In addition to AIR, you can use RIM's WebWorks SDK. RIM has also announced "upcoming" support for native (C/C++), Android and JavaME apps on the PlayBook. They have even demoed the use of Android apps just a few days ago at BlackBerry World.
