Self-managed rich ad platform for iOS apps? - ios

A media publishing company has an existing inventory of advertisers for their traditional media channels. Their iPad app is doing very well, and they want to use their inventory for in-app rich advertising.
I can't find any rich ad solutions that allow self-management. AdMob is the closest so far, but it's not true rich media:
I read some vague references to Medialets partners, but nothing concrete. Can someone please recommend a platform/provider who can deliver this?
(To cast this in programming terms, I need an ad provider who offers an iOS library/API serving ads in HTML5 or similar, and lets me upload my own content).

Medialets contacted me, they offer self-management for a fee per click. It's pretty expensive but I can't find anyone else who does it.
AdMob seems to allow free self-management but only for traditional ads.


How websites recommend apps

I'm wondering how websites like recommend an app at the top of the page on Apple devices.
How is this done?
That is smart banners. Please check out the official documentation.
Smart App Banners vastly improve users’ browsing experience compared to other promotional methods. As banners are implemented in iOS 6, they will provide a consistent look and feel across the web that users will come to recognize.

publishing a mobile application with Marketing content on App Store

I'm developping a mobile app that is simply a presentation of a product (what it is for? how to use it? and other details). It's meant for the commercials to present the product in a more comfortable way than a simple pdf to a client.
I've read recently that the apple team doesn't allow to publish on the app store apps with only marketing content.
Do you think I would have problems when publishing the app? Do you have a clue how I can solve the problem ?
(1) Sure, it would probably be rejected
(2) Depending on your needs -- the solution is simple, make an "enterprise app" which is sort of a private app for your company.
You can find 1000s of QA on here about enterprise apps.
TyrAds is a mobile app marketing agency focused on delivering new, global users for our clients. Specializing in user acquisition and monetization, They provide a holistic approach to promoting your app through premium ad placements within alternative app stores. Furthermore, They are able to promote your apps on major advertising networks. TyrAds is here to help you reach the app users you need to grow your business to the next level.

Should I consider displayed ads when rating app in itunes connect?

I have made an iOS app which shows ads from multiple ad networks.
iTunes Connect asks me to give a rating of this app based on its content, and I am not sure wether I should consider the ads as a content, since they come from a third-party service and I have limited (or no) control over them.
In case the ads are considered a content, how am I supposed to know which kind of ads show up and how frequently, since the ad networks I implemented do not offer this kind of informations?
I looked both on google and stackoverflow but could not find an answer.
You're certainly going to be responsible for whatever content your own application displays. If your vendors can't provide any information on their content, you need different vendors. There should be content guideline documentation available from any reputable vendor. See Apple's, Project Wonderful's, and AdMob's for examples. Ad vendors certainly can and should be rating or restricting their content so that you can control what you serve. If they're not, you shouldn't work with them. It's just going to be trouble on you.

Apple iAd is not letting me run ads in my free kids' app! How to get around this?

I just spend oodles of time getting iAd to work in my AIR app for kids and now Apple tells me that it no longer supports iAd for kids apps! Any advice? The app sometimes has tens of thousands of downloads in a day. Do I take the loss and move on or is there any way to re-release this app as not "kids only"? Has anyone done this before? Thanks!
Note: Apps designed for children are not allowed to run rich media ads
I think that there is no solution about it.
The thing that is not clear to me is if this rule is valid only for Made for Kid category, you select that category in ITC when you set the parental rating. I guess that is the only way that they can recognize that. Try to see if creating a new upgrade you can remove the "Made for kids" flag.
If I'm not wrong, you cant air ads on kids apps. Maybe contact apple developer support and get the age bracket of your app changed? Thats the only thing I can think of..
You can release an update to the app and change the setting in iTunes Connect so that you app is not "Made for kids".
However, ads in general are frowned upon in kids apps. Although they're not specifically illegal, according to COPPA.
Also, if an Apple app reviewer decides that your app is targeted at kids anyway, they might reject it based on their policy of no iADs for kids apps.
Regarding COPPA's rules on ads for kids:
"I want to run ads on my child-directed websites and apps. What do I need to know to make sure that I am complying with COPPA?
There are a number of questions you must find answers to before you enter into an arrangement with any entity to serve advertising to run on your child-directed sites and services. These include:
Is there a way to control the type of advertising that appears on the sites and services? (e.g., can you stipulate and contract only for contextual advertising, and can you prohibit behavioral advertising or retargeting?)
What categories of information will be collected from users on the sites and services in connection with the ads they are served? Will persistent identifiers be collected for purposes other than support for internal operations? Will geolocation information be collected in connection with the ads served?
You should make informed decisions before you permit advertising to run on your sites and services. Depending on what advertising choices you make, you may be required to notify parents in your online privacy policies and in a direct notice, and obtain verifiable parental consent, before you permit advertising to occur. Remember that the amended Rule holds you liable for the collection of information that occurs on or through your sites and services, even if you yourself do not engage in such collection."
If you want to monetise your app with advertising, you have little choice but to use an ad-network that can specifically provide ads for your target age group, and that is COPPA-compliant. Apple's ad network is neither as far as I know. Try or Ads4Kids - they may have an SDK you can add to your app for delivering ad campaigns appropriate for children.

Would creating a portal-like app give me trouble when submitting on the App Store?

The app is a small portal from which you can view/buy videos, view/buy songs, play/buy games and view/buy epubs.
Would Apple view this app as competing or being similar to the App Store or iBooks and thus reject it?
Are you going to use in-app purchase for it? If so, you should have less of a problem. But yes, as mentioned, they might view it as competition, but typically they are quite lenient if they still make profit from the in-app purchases. Also, since you are selling more than one type of media, it cannot really be viewed as direct competition.
If you use StoreKit for purchases, you should be fine as long as you don't create functionality that is the same or similar to the functionality provided by the integrated apps. You have to have a unique difference ("Use the special gmail-functions" was enough for google mail but that was Google).
If your app uses another payment mechanism (PayPal, ...) it will be denied. You have to use StoreKit / iTunes and give apple 30% of the revenue.
