Using Haskell's Parsec to parse binary files? - parsing

Parsec is designed to parse textual information, but it occurs to me that Parsec could also be suitable to do binary file format parsing for complex formats that involve conditional segments, out-of-order segments, etc.
Is there an ability to do this or a similar, alternative package that does this? If not, what is the best way in Haskell to parse binary file formats?

The key tools for parsing binary files are:
Binary is the most general solution, Cereal can be great for limited data sizes, and attoparsec is perfectly fine for e.g. packet parsing. All of these are aimed at very high performance, unlike Parsec. There are many examples on hackage as well.

You might be interested in AttoParsec, which was designed for this purpose, I think.

I've used Data Binary successfully.

It works fine, though you might want to use Parsec 3, Attoparsec, or Iteratees. Parsec's reliance on String as its intermediate representation may bloat your memory footprint quite a bit, whereas the others can be configured to use ByteStrings.
Iteratees are particularly attractive because it is easier to ensure they won't hold onto the beginning of your input and can be fed chunks of data incrementally a they come available. This prevents you from having to read the entire input into memory in advance and lets you avoid other nasty workarounds like lazy IO.

The best approach depends on the format of the binary file.
Many binary formats are designed to make parsing easy (unlike text formats that are primarily to be read by humans). So any union data type will be preceded by a discriminator that tells you what type to expect, all fields are either fixed length or preceded by a length field, and so on. For this kind of data I would recommend Data.Binary; typically you create a matching Haskell data type for each type in the file, and then make each of those types an instance of Binary. Define the "get" method for reading; it returns a "Get" monad action which is basically a very simple parser. You will also need to define a "put" method.
On the other hand if your binary data doesn't fit into this kind of world then you will need attoparsec. I've never used that, so I can't comment further, but this blog post is very positive.


Does a Recursive Predictive Descent Parser NEEDS to construct a complete syntax tree and store in memory?

I've been thinking and a question has arisen. Does this type of compiler really need the complete syntax tree in memory?
The parser doesn't need to store anything. It could just tell you whether or not the input is valid. But usually, you are parsing an input for some purpose, which will determine what information (other than simple validity) you need to extract.
For example, a compiler needs to convert the input program into some executable format. It's possible to convert directly to machine instructions (or to some intermediate representation), particularly if you don't care much about optimising the generated code.
Without knowing the purpose of parsing the input, it's impossible to say anything more concrete.

TreebankLanguagePack function in Neural Network Dependency Parser

If I want to train the Stanford Neural Network Dependency Parser for another language, there is a need for a "treebankLanguagePack"(TLP) but the information about this TLP is very limited:
particularities of your treebank and the language it contains
If I have my "treebank" in another language that follows the same format as PTB, and my data is using CONLL format. The dependency format follows the "Universal Dependency" UD. Do I need this TLP?
As of the current CoreNLP release, the TreebankLanguagePack is used within the dependency parser only to 1) determine the input text encoding and 2) determine which tokens count as punctuation [1].
Your best bet for a quick solution, then, is probably to stick with the UD English TreebankLanguagePack. You should do this by specifying the property language as "UniversalEnglish" (whether you're accessing the dependency parser via code or command line). If you're using the dependency parser via the CoreNLP main entry point, this property key should be depparse.language.
Technical details
Two very subtle details follow. You probably don't need to worry about these if you're just trying to hack something together at first, but it's probably good to mention so that you can avoid apocalyptic / head-smashing bugs in the future.
Evaluation and punctuation: If you do choose to stick with UniversalEnglish, be aware that there is a hack in the evaluation code that overrides the punctuation set for English parsing in particular. Any changes you make to punctuation in PennTreebankLanguagePack (the TLP used for the UniversalEnglish language) will be ignored! If you need to get around this, it should be enough to copy and paste the PennTreebankLanguagePack into your own codebase and name it something different.
Potential memory leak: When building parse results to be returned to the user, the dependency parser draws from a pool of cached GrammaticalRelation objects. This cache does not live-update. This means that if you have relations which aren't formally defined in the language you specified via the language property, they will lead to the instantiation of a new object whenever those relations show up in parser predictions. (This can be a big deal memory-wise if you happen to store the parse objects somewhere.)
[1]: Punctuation is excluded during evaluation. This is a standard "cheat" used throughout the dependency parsing literature.

Partial parsing with flex/antlr

I encountered a problem while doing my student research project. I'm an electrical engineering student, but my project has somewhat to do with theoretical computer science: I need to parse a lot of pascal sourcecode-files for typedefinitions and constants and visualize all occurrences. The typedefinitions are spread recursively over various files, i.e. there is type a = byte in file x, in file y, there is a record (struct) b, that contains type a and then there is even a type c in file z that is an array of type b.
My idea so far was to learn about compiler construction, since the compiler has to resolve all typedefinitions and break them down to the elemental types.
So, I've read about compiler construction in two books (one of which is even written by the pascal inventor), but I'm lacking so many basics of theoretical computer science that it took me one week alone to work my way halfway through. What I've learned so far is that for achieving my goal, lexer and parser should be sufficient. Since this software is only a really smart part of the whole project, I can't spend so much time with it, so I started experimenting with flex and later with antlr.
My hope was, that parsing for typedefinitions only was such an easy task, that I could manage to do it with only using a scanner and let it do some parser's work: The pascal-files consist of 5 main-parts, each one being optional: A header with comments, a const-section, a type-section, a var-section and (in least cases) a code-section. Each section has a start-identifier but no clear end-identifier. So I started searching for the start of the type- and const-section (TYPE, CONST), discarding everything else. In flex, this is fairly easy, because it allows "start conditions". They can be used as various states like "INITIAL", "TYPE-SECTION", "CONST-SECTION" and "COMMENT" with different rules for each state. I wanted to get back a string from the scanner with following syntax " = ". There was one thing that made this task difficult: Some type contain comments like in this example: AuEingangsBool_t {PCMON} = MAX_AuEingangsFeld;. The scanner can not extract such type-definition with a regular expression.
My next step was to do it properly with scanner AND parser, so I searched for a parsergenerator and found antlr. Since I write the tool in C# anyway, I decided to use its scannergenerator, too, so that I do not have to communicate between different programs. Now I encountered following Problem: AFAIK, antlr does not support "start conditions" as flex do. That means, I have to scan the whole file (okay, comments still get discarded) and get a lot of unneccessary (and wrong) tokens. Because I don't use rules for the whole pascal grammar, the scanner would identify most keywords of the pascal syntax as user-identifiers and the parser would nag about all those series of tokens, that do not fit to type- and constant-defintions
Now, finally my question(s): Can anyone of you tell me, which approach leads anywhere for my project? Is there a possibility to scan only parts of the source-files with antlr? Or do I have to connect flex with antlr for that purpose? Can I tell antlr's parser to ignore every token that is not in the const- or type-section? Are those tools too powerful for my task and should I write own routines instead?
You'd be better off to find a compiler for Pascal, and simply modify to report the information you want. Presumably there is such a compiler for your Pascal, and often the source code for such compilers is available.
Otherwise you essentially need to build a parser. Building lexer, and then hacking around with the resulting lexemes, is essentially building a bad parser by ad hoc methods. ANTLR is a good way to go; you can define the lexemes (including means to pick up and ignore comments) pretty easily, especially for older dialects of Pascal. You'll need good BNF rules for the type information that you want, and translate those rules to the parser generator. What you can do to minimize work, is to cheat on rules for the parts of the language you don't care about. For instance, you could write an accurate subgrammar for assignment statements. Since you don't care about them, you can write a sloppy subgrammar that treats assignment statements as anything that begins with an identifier, is followed by arbitrary other tokens, and ends with semicolon. This kind of a grammar is called an "island grammar"; it is only accurate where it needs to be accurate.
I don't know about the recursive bit. Is there a reason you can't just process each file separately? The answer may depend on what information you want to know about each type declaration, and if you go deep enough, you may need a symbol table as well as an island parser. Parser generators offer you no help for this.
First, there can be type and const blocks within other blocks (procedures, in later Delphi versions also classes).
Moreover, I'm not entirely sure that you can actually simply scan for a const token, and then start parsing. Const is also used for other purposes in most common (Borland) Pascal dialects. Some keywords can be reused in a different context, and if you don't parse the global blockstructure, and only look for const and type in specific places you will erroneously start parsing there.
A base problem of course is the comments. Scanners cut out comments as early as possible, and don't regard them further. You probably have to setup the scanner so that comments are attached to the adjacent tokens as field (associate with token before or save them up till a certain token follows).
As far antlr vs flex, no clue. The only parsergenerator I have some minor experience in parsing Pascal with is Coco/R (a parsergenerator popular by Wirthians), but in general I (and many pascalians) prefer handcoded.

Parsing binary data

I got interested in parser generators. But I don't have the theoretical background. I just read a few things on the internet.
Currently I'm trying to do something with ANTLR
So my questions:
I have a special format of my dataframes:
The first byte of a frame is a tag that describes the nature of the data
The second byte contains the length (number of bytes) of the data itself
Then follows the data itself
The data can contain dataframes itself, and dataframes can be listed one after the other
I hope my description is clear. My questions:
Can I create such a parser with ANTLR that reads the lengs of the frame and then knows when the frame ends?
In ANTLR can I load the different tags I use from a generated file?
Thank you!
I'm not 100% sure about this, but:
Parser generators like antlr require a grammar that is at least context-free
using length-fields in your data makes your grammar not context free (context-sensitive i think)
It is the latter point i'm not sure about - maybe you want to research some more on that.
You probably have to write a packet "parser" yourself (which then has to be a parser for your context-sensitive packet grammar)
Alternatively, you could drop the length field, and use something like s-expressions, JSON or xml; these would be parseable by something generated with antlr.
I think you will be better off to create a hand written binary parser instead of using ANTLR because ANTLR is primarily intended to read and make sense of a text file and not binary data. The lexer part is focused on tokenizing text so trying to make it read binary data instead would be an uphill battle.
It sounds as if your structure would need some kind of recursive way of reading the data although it could be done easier just having a tree structure and then fill it as you read your file.

Will ANTLR Help? Different Suggestion?

Before I dive into ANTLR (because it is apparently not for the faint of heart), I just want to make sure I have made the right decision regarding its usage.
I want to create a grammar that will parse in a text file with predefined tags so that I can populate values within my application. (The text file is generated by another application.) So, essentially, I want to be able to parse something like this:
Name: TheFileName
Values: 5 3 1 6 1 3
Other Values: 5 3 1 5 1
In my application, TheFileName is stored as a String, and both sets of values are stored to an array. (This is just a sample, the file is much more complicated.) Anyway, am I at least going down the right path with ANTLR? Any other suggestions?
The files are created by the user and they define the areas via tags. So, it might look something like this.
Name: <string>TheFileName</string>
Values: <array>5 3 1 6 1 3</array>
Important Value: <double>3.45</double>
Something along those lines.
The basic question is how is the file more complicated? Is it basically more of the same, with a tag, a colon and one or more values, or is the basic structure of the other lines more complex? If it's basically just more of the same, code to recognize and read the data is pretty trivial, and a parser generator isn't likely to gain much. If the other lines have substantially different structure, it'll depend primarily on how they differ.
Edit: Based on what you've added, I'd go one (tiny) step further, and format your file as XML. You can then use existing XML parsers (and such) to read the files, extract data, verify that they fit a specified format, etc.
It depends on what control you have over the format of the file you are parsing. If you have no control then a parser-generator such as ANTLR may be valuable. (We do this ourselves for FORTRAN output files over which we have no control). It's quite a bit of work but we have now mastered the basic ANTLR lexer/parser strategy and it's starting to work well.
If, however, you have some or complete control over the format then create it with as much markup as necessary. I would always create such a file in XML as there are so many tools for processing it (not only the parsing, but also XPath, databases, etc.) In general we use ANTLR to parse semi-structured information into XML.
If you don't need for the format to be custom-built, then you should look into using an existing format such as JSON or XML, for which there are parsers available.
Even if you do need a custom format, you may be better off designing one that is dirt simple so that you don't need a full-blown grammar to parse it. Designing your own scripting grammar from scratch and doing a good job of it is a lot of work.
Writing grammar parsers can also be really fun, so if you're curious then you should go for it. But I don't recommend carelessly mixing learning exercises with practical work code.
Well, if it's "much more complicated", then, yes, a parser generator would be helpful. But, since you don't show the actual format of your file, how could anybody know what might be the right tool for the job?
I use the free GOLD Parser Builder, which is incredibly easy to use, and can generate the parser itself in many different languages. There are samples for parsing such expressions also.
If the format of the file is up to the user can you even define a grammar for it?
Seems like you just want a lexer at best. Using ANTLR just for the lexer part is possible, but would seem like overkill.
