Getting Null Pointer exception while trying to get value from option in Apache beam - google-cloud-dataflow

I am using JAVA8 and Apache beam 2.19.0 to run some dataflow jobs. As per my requirement I am setting option value dynamically in code as following.
I am trying to get this in another transformation in same dataflow pipeline. When I run for small data its work fine I am able to get options.getDay().get() value but for huge data such as 5 million lines in different files it is giving Null pointer exception at options.getDay().get().
Adding more example points to this question for better understanding.
If I am reading 1 millions of line it execute well.
If I am reading 2 millions of line it execute well but give
Throttling logger worker. It used up its 30s quota for logs in
only 25.107s
If I am reading more than 2 millions of line it gives Throttling
logger worker. It used up its 30s quota for logs in only 25.107s and
Null pointer exception at options.getDay().get()

If I understood correctly, it looks like you're tying to setDay on every element in the stream. I guess that one element is calling set, and another element is trying to get or set again in parallel, which causes the null pointer exception.
To fix this you can pass the sDay on the element itself on another property, instead of modifying the options.


Apache Beam: read from UnboundedSource with fixed windows

I have an UnboundedSource that generates N items (it's not in batch mode, it's a stream -- one that only generates a certain amount of items and then stops emitting new items but a stream nonetheless). Then I apply a certain PTransform to the collection I'm getting from that source. I also apply the Window.into(FixedWindows.of(...)) transform and then group the results by window using Combine. So it's kind of like this:
pipeline.apply(Read.from(new SomeUnboundedSource(...)) // extends UnboundedSource
.apply(new SomeTransform())
.apply(Combine.globally(new SomeCombineFn()).withoutDefaults())
And I assumed that would mean new events are generated for 5 seconds, then SomeTransform is applied to the data in the 5 seconds window, then a new set of data is polled and therefore generated. Instead all N events are generated first, and only after that is SomeTransform applied to the data (but the windowing works as expected). Is it supposed to work like this? Does Beam and/or the runner (I'm using the Flink runner but the Direct runner seems to exhibit the same behavior) have some sort of queue where it stores items before passing it on to the next operator? Does that depend on what kind of UnboundedSource is used? In my case it's a generator of sorts. Is there a way to achieve the behavior that I expected or is it unreasonable? I am very new to working with streaming pipelines in general, let alone Beam. I assume, however, it would be somewhat illogical to try to read everything from the source first, seeing as it's, you know, unbounded.
An important thing to note is that windows in Beam operate on event time, not processing time. Adding 5 second windows to your data is not a way to prescribe how the data should be processed, only the end result of aggregations for that processing. Further, windows only affect the data once an aggregation is reached, like your Combine.globally. Until that point in your pipeline the windowing you applied has no effect.
As to whether it is supposed to work that way, the beam model doesn't specify any specific processing behavior so other runners may process elements slightly differently. However, this is still a correct implementation. It isn't trying to read everything from the source; generally streaming sources in Beam will attempt to read all elements available before moving on and coming back to the source later. If you were to adjust your stream to stream in elements slowly over a long period of time you will likely see more processing in between reading from the source.

Dask - Understanding diagnostics - memory:list

I am working on some fairly complex application that is making use of Dask framework, trying to increase the performance. To that end I am looking at the diagnostics dashboard. I have two use-cases. On first I have a 1GB parquet file split in 50 parts, and on second use case I have the first part of the above file, split over 5 parts, which is what used for the following charts:
The red node is called "memory:list" and I do not understand what it is.
When running the bigger input this seems to block the whole operation.
Finally this is what I see when I go inside those nodes:
I am not sure where I should start looking to understand what is generating this memory:list node, especially given how there is no stack button inside the task as it often happens. Any suggestions ?
Red nodes are in memory. So this computation has occurred, and the result is sitting in memory on some machine.
It looks like the type of the piece of data is a Python list object. Also, the name of the task is list-159..., so probably this is the result of calling the list Python function.

Apache BEAM pipeline IllegalArgumentException - Timestamp skew?

I have an existing BEAM pipeline that is handling the data ingested (from Google Pubsub topic) by 2 routes. The 'hot' path does some basic transformation and stores them in Datastore, while the 'cold' path performs fixed hourly windowing for deeper analysis before storage.
So far the pipeline has been running fine until I started to do some local buffering on the data before publishing to Pubsub (so data arrives at Pubsub may be a few hours 'late'). The error that gets thrown is as below:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot output with timestamp 2018-06-19T14:00:56.862Z. Output timestamps must be no earlier than the timestamp of the current input (2018-06-19T14:01:01.862Z) minus the allowed skew (0 milliseconds). See the DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() Javadoc for details on changing the allowed skew.
at org.apache.beam.runners.core.SimpleDoFnRunner$DoFnProcessContext.checkTimestamp(
at org.apache.beam.runners.core.SimpleDoFnRunner$DoFnProcessContext.outputWithTimestamp(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestamps$AddTimestampsDoFn.processElement(
It seems to be referencing the section of my code (withTimestamps method) that performs the hourly windowing as below:
Window<KV<String, Data>> window = Window.<KV<String, Data>>into
PCollection<KV<String, List<Data>>> keyToDataList = eData.apply("Add Event Timestamp", WithTimestamps.of(new EventTimestampFunction()))
.apply("Windowing", window)
.apply("Group by Key", GroupByKey.create())
.apply("Sort by date", ParDo.of(new SortDataFn()));
I'm not sure if I understand exactly what I've done wrong here. Is it because the data is arriving late that is throwing the error? As I understand, if the data arrives late past the allowed lateness, it should be discarded and not throw an error like the one I'm seeing.
Wondering if setting an unlimited timestampSkew will resolve this? The data that's late can be exempt from analysis, I just need to ensure that errors don't get thrown that will choke the pipeline. There's also nowhere else where I'm adding/ changing the timestamps for the data so I'm not sure why the errors are thrown.
It looks like your DoFn is using “outputWithTimestamp” and you are trying to set a timestamp which is older than the input element’s timestamp. Typically timestamps of output elements are derived from inputs, this is important to ensure the correctness of the watermark computation.
You may be able to workaround this by increasing both the timestamp skew and the windwing allowed lateness, however, some data may be lost, it is for you to determine if such loss is acceptable in your scenario.
Another alternative is not to use output with timestamp and instead use the PubSub message timestamp to process each message. Then, output each element as a KV, where the RealTimestamp is computed in the same way you are currently processing the timestamp (just don’t use it in “WithTimestamps”), GroupByKey and write the KV to Datastore.
Other questions you can ask yourself are:
Why are the input elements associated to a most recent timestamp than the output elements?
Do you really need to Buffer that much data before publishing to PubSub?

Reading large gzip JSON files from Google Cloud Storage via Dataflow into BigQuery

I am trying to read about 90 gzipped JSON logfiles from Google Cloud Storage (GCS), each about 2GB large (10 GB uncompressed), parse them, and write them into a date-partitioned table to BigQuery (BQ) via Google Cloud Dataflow (GCDF).
Each file holds 7 days of data, the whole date range is about 2 years (730 days and counting). My current pipeline looks like this:
p.apply("Read logfile", TextIO.Read.from(bucket))
.apply("Repartition", Repartition.of())
.apply("Parse JSON", ParDo.of(new JacksonDeserializer()))
.apply("Extract and attach timestamp", ParDo.of(new ExtractTimestamps()))
.apply("Format output to TableRow", ParDo.of(new TableRowConverter()))
.apply("Window into partitions", Window.into(new TablePartWindowFun()))
.apply("Write to BigQuery", BigQueryIO.Write
.to(new DayPartitionFunc("someproject:somedataset", tableName))
The Repartition is something I've built in while trying to make the pipeline reshuffle after decompressing, I have tried running the pipeline with and without it. Parsing JSON works via a Jackon ObjectMapper and corresponding classes as suggested here. The TablePartWindowFun is taken from here, it is used to assign a partition to each entry in the PCollection.
The pipeline works for smaller files and not too many, but breaks for my real data set. I've selected large enough machine types and tried setting a maximum number of workers, as well as using autoscaling up to 100 of n1-highmem-16 machines. I've tried streaming and batch mode and disSizeGb values from 250 up to 1200 GB per worker.
The possible solutions I can think of at the moment are:
Uncompress all files on GCS, and so enabling the dynamic work splitting between workers, as it is not possible to leverage GCS's gzip transcoding
Building "many" parallel pipelines in a loop, with each pipeline processsing only a subset of the 90 files.
Option 2 seems to me like programming "around" a framework, is there another solution?
With Repartition after Reading the gzip JSON files in batch mode with 100 workers max (of type n1-highmem-4), the pipeline runs for about an hour with 12 workers and finishes the Reading as well as the first stage of Repartition. Then it scales up to 100 workers and processes the repartitioned PCollection. After it is done the graph looks like this:
Interestingly, when reaching this stage, first it's processing up to 1.5 million element/s, then the progress goes down to 0. The size of OutputCollection of the GroupByKey step in the picture first goes up and then down from about 300 million to 0 (there are about 1.8 billion elements in total). Like it is discarding something. Also, the ExpandIterable and ParDo(Streaming Write) run-time in the end is 0. The picture shows it slightly before running "backwards".
In the logs of the workers I see some exception thrown while executing request messages that are coming from the logger, but I can't find more info in Stackdriver.
Without Repartition after Reading the pipeline fails using n1-highmem-2 instances with out of memory errors at exactly the same step (everything after GroupByKey) - using bigger instance types leads to exceptions like
CANCELLED: Received RST_STREAM with error code 8 dataflow-...-harness-5l3s
talking to frontendpipeline-..-harness-pc98:12346
Thanks to Dan from the Google Cloud Dataflow Team and the example he provided here, I was able to solve the issue. The only changes I made:
Looping over the days in 175 = (25 weeks) large chunks, running one pipeline after the other, to not overwhelm the system. In the loop make sure the last files of the previous iteration are re-processed and the startDate is moved forward at the same speed as the underlying data (175 days). As WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE is used, incomplete days at the end of the chunks are overwritten with correct complete data this way.
Using the Repartition/Reshuffle transform mentioned above, after reading the gzipped files, to speed up the process and allow smoother autoscaling
Using DateTime instead of Instant types, as my data is not in UTC
UPDATE (Apache Beam 2.0):
With the release of Apache Beam 2.0 the solution became much easier. Sharding BigQuery output tables is now supported out of the box.
It may be worthwhile trying to allocate more resources to your pipeline by setting --numWorkers with a higher value when you run your pipeline. This is one of the possible solutions discussed in the “Troubleshooting Your Pipeline” online document, at the "Common Errors and Courses of Action" sub-chapter.

Data integrity errors in google cloud dataflow jobs

I've noticed one of my dataflow jobs has produced output with what I could best describe as too many random bit flips. For example a year "2014" (as text) was written as "0007" or "2016" or "0052" or other textual values. In some cases the output line format is valid (which suggests something happened in processing) but few lines seems to have malformed formatting as well (e.g., "20141215-04-25" instead of something like "2014-12-25").
I'm occasionally re-running the jobs with the same code and different date range parameters, and for this specific dates range the job was completing successfully until about a week ago. I have been trying different machine configurations though (4 cpus and 1-cpu instances) and the problems seems to happen more with 4-cpu instances.
Does anybody know what could be leading to this?
When using 4-cpu instances, Dataflow runs multiple threads in a single Java process. Data corruption could happen if one of the transforms is thread-hostile, that is, not even separate instances of the class can be safely accessed by multiple threads. This typically happens when the class uses a static non-thread-safe member variable.
A thread safety issue in user code resulted in this type of corruption. This type of errors are likely to occur when using multi-core instances for compute.
