Latex biblatex: bibliography titles aren't doing a break line, they overflow instead [ ] - latex

I recently discovered a problem in my bibliography and I somehow can't solve it. It's appearing when the titles are too long, but its working with URLs normally as you see in the 2nd example as long the as the title is short enough.
It seems that symbols like "[]" beeing generated from something and the log is giving me 2x Overfull \hbox (X pt too wide) in paragraph.
setup: document.tex and bib/literature.bib
settings: pdfLatex (using biber and texindy)
Minimal example:
% add bibliography
\usepackage[style=alphabetic, sorting=anyt]{biblatex}
\usepackage[colorlinks, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
author = {Gaedke, Martin and Heil, Andreas},
title = {{GET /dgs HTTP/1.1 Host:}},
url = {},
author = {Litzel, Nico },
title = {Was ist das Internet of Things?},
url = {},

According to the biblatex documentation:
biburlnumpenalty: If this counter is set to a value greater than zero, biblatex will permit linebreaks after numbers in all strings formatted with the \url command from the url package. This will affect urls and dois in the bibliography. The breakpoints will be penalized by the value of this counter. If urls and/or dois in the bibliography run
into the margin, try setting this counter to a value greater than zero but less than
10000 (you normally want to use a high value like 9000). Setting the counter to zero
disables this feature. This is the default setting.
So, you can add:
\usepackage[style=alphabetic, sorting=anyt]{biblatex}
% If you want to break on URL numbers
% If you want to break on URL lower case letters
% If you want to break on URL UPPER CASE letters

There are two separate issues:
The title, where LaTeX hyphenation does not know how to break You can do something here using \hyphenation{} in the preamble or see here for the many ways of hyphenation using the LaTeX packages for the German language
The URL, where LaTeX URL breaking (from the url package loaded by hyperref) does not know how to break wwwwebcompositionnet/. For this issue, refer to the answer by Eiji or see


Latex ClassicThesis - The numbering of the paragraphs does not appear

I need one more numbered level for my report. I used \paragraph{title} but it only appears without numbering.
In the config file, the paragraph is described as:
I believe that the command \theparagraph is responsible for the numbering. Why doesn't it appear?
I searched the net for answers and tried the following commands (at once) before the beginning of the document:
Replace the previous command to get rid of run-in with:
I put the last two commands in \makeatletter and \makeatother.
The paragraph name appears like the section names now, but still no numbers. Any ideas? Here is a small example that works because I didn't include the classicthesis config files.
\subsection{Première sous-partie}
\subsubsection{Un cran en dessous}
\paragraph{Paragraphe with number: what I would like in my report}
Functional here because the problem clearly comes from the two classicthesis config files...
Thank you

Customize headers and footers in Latex using Sphinx

We are exploring the features of Sphinx in order to rebuild our legacy manuals. We already ported most of the former manual to Sphinx. Now I'm exploring the possibilities to adapt our company styles.
Especially, we would like to change the appearance of the headers and footers in the PDF manual. Including a company logo and changing the appearance of even and odd pages.
Hence, I included the following preamble in my with a custom pagestyle using the package fancyhdr.
latex_elements = {
'preamble' : '''\
\\fancyhead[LE,RO]{My Header}'''
Unfortunately, the headers only changes before begin{document}, afterwards the Sphinx Style File sphinx.sty overwrites somehow my settings.
The following snippet from sphinx.sty might cause the issue:
% Redefine the 'normal' header/footer style when using "fancyhdr" package:
% Use \pagestyle{normal} as the primary pagestyle for text.
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{{\py#HeaderFamily \#title, \py#release}}
% define chaptermark with \#chappos when \#chappos is available for Japanese
{\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{\#chapapp\space\thechapter\space\#chappos\space ##1}{}}}
% Update the plain style so we get the page number & footer line,
% but not a chapter or section title. This is to keep the first
% page of a chapter and the blank page between chapters `clean.'
What might be a possible workaround?
The table of contents code (in sphinxmanual.cls) ends up with
The comment in sphinx.sty says:
% Use \pagestyle{normal} as the primary pagestyle for text.
Thus the simplest should be for your setting to overwrite the \fancypagestyle{normal}, just re-issue it to your liking.
You will need to wrap the whole latex in \makeatletter...\makeatother if you use \py#HeaderFamily. And use Python raw strings to avoid having to double all backslashes.
in details, here I copy the original definition to so that it can be customized from there
latex_elements = {
'preamble': """
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{{\py#HeaderFamily \#title, \py#release}}
% define chaptermark with \#chappos when \#chappos is available for Japanese
{\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{\#chapapp\space\thechapter\space\#chappos\space ##1}{}}}

Problem with theorem decimal numbering in LaTeX

Below is the beginning of my LaTeX code. When I compile, theorem numbers do not show the decimal point. For example, the output shows Theorem 11 instead of Theorem 1.1. How can I fix this ?
it looks like this is a setting of the style file you are using (svjour3)
in the version i found here, line 804 contains the line
which removes the separator. if you want you can add back the period ( \def\#thmcountersep{.} ) but if the style file was provided by a journal their default is probably their default. it may be worth having a look at some example articles from the journal
Have you tried putting a backslash before the period? Perhaps '.' serves some special function when you make theorems.

Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input.
The manual states that
produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work.
if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I end up with "[]" in front of every keyword
and "[*]{\bfseries}" gives me an asterisk in the start of the document.
I also tried "\MakeUppercase" and "{\MakeUppercase}" for keywordstyle which resulted in several errors, the first being:
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 11
Minimal example:
and %r1, %r2
xor %r2, %r3
and %r4, %r5
I use Miktex for compilation of the tex files. So how do I force uppercase for Keywords?
In the manual, the brackets around the * look a bit different then the brackets around number. The reason is that the brackets around * are not meant to be used in the latex code, they just indicate that the presence of the * is optional. So try
- it worked for me.

Latex Multiple Linebreaks

I use LaTeX to type up programming homeworks for classes. I need to do this:
my line of text blah blah blah
new line of text with blank line between
I know I can use double slash to break lines \\, but LaTeX will only take the first line break (complains about more) and starts a new line, it produces this :
my line of text blah blah blah
new line of text with blank line between
How can I get that extra line break in there so I can have space between my lines of text?
Line break accepts an optional argument in brackets, a vertical length:
line 1
line 2
To make this more scalable with respect to font size, you can use other lengths, such as \\[3\baselineskip], or \\[3ex].
Do you want more space between paragraphs? Then you can change the parameter \parskip.
For example, try
\setlength{\parskip}{10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
This means that the space between paragraphs is usually 10pt, but can grow or shrink by up to 1pt. This means you give LaTeX the ability to change it up to one 1pt in order to achieve a better page layout. You can remove the plus and minus parts to make it always your specified length.
If you are trying to display source code, try the listings package or use verbatim. If you are trying to typeset pseudocode, try the algorithm package.
Insert some vertical space
blah blah blah \\
to scale to the font, use ex (the height of a lowercase "x") as the unit, and there are various predefined lengths related to the line spacing available, you might be particularly interested in baselineskip.
You can use the setspace package which gives you spacing environments, e.g.:
my line of text blah blah blah
new line of text with blank line between
Or use a verbatim environment to control the layout of your code precisely.
For programs you are really better off with a verbatim or alltt environment, but if you want a blank line that LaTeX will not bitch about, try
my line of text blah blah blah\\
\mbox{ }\\ %% space followed by newline
new line of text with blank line between
While verbatim might be the best choice, you can also try the commands \smallskip , \medskip or guess what, \bigskip .
Quoting from this page:
These commands can only be used after
a paragraph break (which is made by
one completely blank line or by the
command \par). These commands output
flexible or rubber space,
approximately 3pt, 6pt, and 12pt high
respectively, but these commands will
automatically compress or expand a
bit, depending on the demands of the
rest of the page
I find that when I include a blank line in my source after the \\ then I also get a blank line in my output. Example:
It's time to recognize the income tax as another horrible policy mistake like banning beer, and to return to the tax policies that were correct in the Constitution in the first place. Our future depends on it.
Wherefore the 16th Amendment must forthwith be repealed.
However you are correct that LaTeX only lets you do this once. For a more general solution allowing you to make as many blank lines as you want, use \null to make empty paragraphs. Example:
It's time to recognize the income tax as another horrible policy mistake like banning beer, and to return to the tax policies that were correct in the Constitution in the first place. Our future depends on it.
Wherefore the 16th Amendment must forthwith be repealed.
This works on pdfLatex. It creates 2 new lines for you.
Maybe try inserting lines with only a space?
\ \\
\ \\
This just worked for me:
I was trying to leave a space in the Apple Pages new LaTeX input area. I typed the following and it left a clean line.
