Audio Bug on 1 of 2 Client iPhones (Xcode + Swift) - ios

So I've just finished building a clients app and all was good. The app worked seamlessly on both mine and the clients phone. However the clients partner tried it on an iPhone 5s and audio did not play. I then tried running the app on an alternative iPhone 5s as oppose to the client's partners (6s) and it works fine.
I think the problem is their phone however maybe I'm wrong - although audio in safari works fine for them.
I am using a standard web view but don't know why it's just their phone. Are there any reasons maybe a specific device wouldn't allow sound in the app?


AudioKit crackling after connecting headphones on iPhone 8+

We have an app, that uses AudioKit to record sound from the microphone and to playback it directly to your headphones.
If you connect your headphones to an iPhone 8+ after you started the app, it starts to crackle at the end of every recorded audioframe. If you do the same thing on every device older than iPhone 7 the app will work correctly.
If you plugged in the headphones before starting the app, it will work correctly in all scenarios, also if you plug in or plug off your headphones.
For better analysis I built a test-app, which only includes the audio-related functions.
This test-app behaves exactly like the other app.
We really have to fix this issue, because we have customers depending on the feature.
Any help in fixing this would be highly appreciated. AudioKit-version is 4.1.
We setup a github repository where you can checkout the code:
Thanks in advance!

How do I fix a iOS crash

I am a teacher who has developed an app that streams video tutorials to mobile devices. The app has been around for a while and was originally built in CS6 using AIR SDK 20. More recently I have moved to CC and published the app using CC and AIR SDK 23 and 24 (including beta 24.0.180).
The app now crashes on IOS first access after installing the app. When you open the app up again, it opens but will crash when pulling up the control centre, pulling down the notification bar, clicking on the home button or minimising the app with a pinch.
I have stripped out the code and have isolated the problem to video streaming within the project. The issue is replicated using the xml and swf file found here: Dropbox -
(everything has been stripped from the project so I appreciate that no video will play - didn't need it to play to replicate the issue). The app has been installed on iPad Air with IOS10 and iPad Mini 1 IOS9, but my students have also experienced the issue on iPhones running IOS7 +.
Any help with this would be much appreciated as my students would like to use the app without the issues.
Kind regards

Using my everyday iPhone for iOS app device testing

Today i signed up to Apple's $99 a year iOS developer program. I'm currently working on certificates, Identifiers and Profiles part so i'd be able to first test my apps on real device. I have available an iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPad mini. These are my family's devices. If i use my mom's iPhone 5 for example to test my apps, would there be any negative affect to the iPhone what-so-ever? Lets say i turn off the device from Xcode and want to use another device, would iPhone 5 malfunction in any way or is it completely safe to use my main everyday device for testing?
No, In no way will it affect your everyday tasks like calling, texting, etc. When you run your project with your phone being the one you want to run it on the app will show up and stop whatever you are doing at the time but it won't have any long term effect on you or your mom's phone. However to make your app go on the phone you need to register the phones you want to use in development mode. If thats done you should be all good
Good Luck and Happy Developing!
I've been testing my app on my everyday iPhone for months now. I've had no issues at all. Nothing affects my iPhone negatively in any way. Also, don't be afraid to delete your app completely from your iPhone if you need to fix something. It also won't have any negative affect on your app or on your phone. Uploading and deleting your app has the same effect on your phone like you download an app from the App Store. That doesn't have any negative affect on your phone. Your uploading your app from Xcode to your phone will not have any negative affect.

Outbound call using Twilio client on ipad or iphone not working

So I'm trying to use the demo on and it's not working on an iphone 5 or ipad mini. When I dial a number using Safari on an iphone or ipad, this is what happens...
A label "Calling..." shows up under the text field
The phone number I entered rings as expected
I pick up the phone and all I hear is the hold music - it's as though the ipad/iphone never knows that I've picked up the phone on the receiving end.
If I try the same thing using IE9 on a desktop, it works fine and I can hear both sides of the audio fine.
Can someone please confirm that it's supposed to work on iphone/ipad??? Thx!
As far as I can see, on, the browser must support Flash. It will use WebRTC if available, but fall back to Flash for the connections. The connect/disconnect sounds require Flash.
I'm surprised that it even partially worked for you; we had no luck at all. When I go to the test page ( with an iPad, it says that both the browser and Flash support (duh!) failed.

Turn iOS Device into AirPlay Speaker

I'm fiddling with an app, and I'm also aware that apps made by developers that allow an iOS Device to receive an audio stream from another iOS Device or iTunes. So I'd like to implement it and possibly find a method within Apple's guidelines, allowing audio to be streamed. I've tried looking for everything, but I can't find where to start. Any ideas, a place to start, maybe even a point of direction would be great.
chekout the airspeaker project on github.
I was able to run it on iOS simulator 6.0 and then use my iphone to stream audio.
However if I try to stream from iTunes 11 it does not work ( iTunes lists the device in airplay list but , on selection , prompts with error "airplay device is not compatible with this version of iTunes." )
