How to test install tracking for IOS on Google Analytics - ios

Is there a way by which we can test if the install tracking gets fired on Google Analytics for IOS ? I have followed this link for attributing instals for iOS but even this does not detail out on how to test this.
Any pointers would be really helpful.


Unity - Google Ads for iOS game- use of Firebase?

So, I have developed and released a iOS (and Android) game developed on Unity. Now I was trying to use google ads to increase installs of my game. I was able to create an add campaign for android but facing a hurdle for iOS.
Google Ads require me to use a "conversion tracker" for iOS Add campaign. There are various app analytics but the one which i was thinking of using is google Firebase.
I am not able to find what exactly does Firebase does which is different to unity analytics as I have enabled unity analytics in my game. But unity analytics is not an option to use for google add campaign.
Could anyone here help me understand the process of google add campaign for iOS game/app using Firebase?
Also, is it safe to add Firebase SDK to the published game or it may cause some errors/re-coding?
Tried to find article which explains the link between Unity + Google Ads + Firebase for iOS Game/App but couldn't find any. I am new at developing games and apart from finding my feet in coding, this marketing/ads stuff is totally going above my head with some many different systems needing to make money from games development.
Many thanks for your time and help!
Mr A
P.S Googled but still confused about it!
Here is a relevant tutorial with step by step instructions and context/explanation of the various components: Measure Google Ads conversions from your iOS app campaigns
As for what Firebase Analytics does vs Unity Analytics, Firebase Analytics is built on top of Google Analytics and gives your app access to Google Analytics' robust tooling, data export and integration with other services (such as crash reporting, config rollouts and A/B testing).
More information also available in Get started with Google Analytics for Unity. Additionally, to use Google analytics or other services that do tracking on iOS you should also look over Prepare for iOS 14+
Finally here are some other general resources for using Firebase:
Firebase Documentation for Unity
Example Projects
Example/ Tutorial of Integrating Analytics with Crash Reporting
Example/ Tutorial of Integrating Analytics with A/B Testing

Non technical installation of Unity app on iphone for testing

I don't have an iPhone so a friend has offered to test my Google Cardboard, Unity app. How can she test it without having to install Unity? I have found tutorials for testing on an iphone but nothing about how to send to a 3rd party, with no technical skills, to take a look. I have built the app for iOs and it is sitting on my machine. How do I get it onto her phone with the minimum of fuss?
I found the answer was to do this in Testflight. Add their email to testflight, they will need to install it, then be offered the chance to install the app.

Google Analytics for iOS App shows sessions from android device

I have distributed an app outside the apple app store.
To distribute the app, i have taken help from the following link.
I have also integrated Google analytics into my app which shows 1 session started on an android device.
I have following questions
How is this possible, Is this google analytics bug, or something else?
Is there any way to prevent this?

Testing google analytics integration in iOS app

I have successfully uploaded my app in iTunes store. Now, I want to include Google Analytics in my app.
I have integrated the Google Analytics framework and have written the code for required functionality. Now I want to test if Google Analytics integration works correctly, before releasing updated app to Appstore.
How can I test Google Analytics functionality?
Try this tutorial Google Analytics - Ray Wenderlich
This will help you to setup all you need for development.

Adsense SDK for iOS

After reading over the Adsense SDK for iOS docs I'd like to actually download the SDK. Where can I find it?
After some searching I came across some sample projects from Google. However they all seem to use the AdMob SDK which I'd rather not use since it adds 10+ Mb to the size of my app.
Adsense SDK moved. It's now called Google AdMob Ads SDK. Here is the downloads page.
