Intel XDK AJAX Call with cordova 4.1.2 not working - jquery-mobile

I am not able to do ajax call with cordova CLI version 4.1.2 on intel xdk (with latest update of intel xdk).
I have set the DOMAIN LIST as "*" .
Any help on this or its a known issue which has not been fixed till now (with latest intel xdk).
P.S: It works properly with Cordova CLI 3.5 version.

In Intel XDK project settings -> build settings, uncheck the option "allow external application to launch from this domain", that is below the domain list.
There was changes to Android whitelisting in Cordova 3.6
More details about Cordova whitelisting is here:

Thanks krisrak ...
But with the latest update. I have specifically set "http://*" for Ajax call with the "Allow external application to launch" selected and ITS WORKING.
But not with () which is the super set of http:// . I would give the try what you have suggested and share my result


Cordova 6.1.1 iOS build fail with error code 65

I am new to Cordova using Mac OS and I am just running the Mac OS in virtual machine.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When I build a project for iOS platform the build fail due to this error.
The plugin only installed is whitelist which require in new version of cordova.
Additional information may need:
- I am using Yosemite hackintosh.
- Cordova v.6.1.1.
- xcode 6.4
Thank you!
What's the version of your plugin of cordova-plugin-camera?
I sugest you
update Xcode from 6.4 to 7.0;
remove your dir, and create a Cordova project again.
then you can try "cordova build ios" again.
As you have installed only cordova whitelist plugin, this could not be a plugin issue. You can create a new project and port your code and try building iOS platform again. This solves the issue in most cases. Also ensure that you dont have any illegal or special characters in config.xml. Many a times, copy paste results in special characters addition in config.xml which causes this issue.

System image arm eabi v7a of Android 4.4(API 20) is not noticed

I was trying to set up the environment to develop and debug a simple android app with the use of Android Virtual Device Manager. I had followed all the steps from google's website.
Moving to the next step, as I had selected the target to be 'Android 4.4W - API Level 20' details in the wizard 'create new android virtual device(AVD)', the CPU/ABI field was grayed out saying 'No system image installed for this target'.
I had opened ANdroid SDK Manager to check if the mentioned target is holding a valid system image.
It had been updated with the latest packages from the respective repositories while contacting few of the repositories was a failure.
In the end, I had a surprise that my Android 4.4W (API 20) is not having its respective system image installed.
When I actually checked the folders that I had downloaded, I couldn't also notice the System Images sub folder under the SDK folder.
Can someone please help me out with this?
Start up Android SDK manager. Under "Android 4.4W (API20), make sure "sources for android sdk" is installed. If not, check the box and installed.
P.S. - I had the same problem.
After installing the image you have to restart eclipse. Otherwise it can't see the image.
Got the same issue. If you're running SDK Manager on Windows 7, run it with the admistrator privileges. That solved the problem in my case.
Open SDK Manager -> Tools -> Options
Check Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://...
You will see sources for android SDK, install it.
Close SDK Manager and open it again, you wil see ARM EABI

Default path for iOS SDK Home does not appear in Titanium Studio

I'm trying to set up Titanium Studio in a MAC machine. I got the followings installed.
Titanium Studio - 3.2.3
Xcode 5.1.1
But in the location where the path to iOS SDK Home has to be given, it appears as "Not specified".
I have the 2 options, "Refresh" and "Update". Refreshing does not give any result and when I click on "Update" it says no updates are available.
What could be the issue?
Try ti setup or appc setup command (recommended) in terminal it will configure everything required
Please see the following from Appcelerator Q&A
It might be the run configurations that have had their iOS version
blanked out. If you edit the run configuration that you are compiling
under, you should hopefully see that there is nothing set in the iOS
version. Set the value to what you want.
reference : iOS7 SDK not found
Hope it helped you!!
Check the node version:
node -v
AppCelerator is currently NOT compatible with node v6.x, use Node Version Manager :

How to build ios application using Phonegap framework on windows OS.

I have allready build an android application using Phonegap framework, I need to develop the application for ios also using windows OS.I know that for ios we need XCode that runs only on mac machine,but is there any way to do it on windows ( as I can't afford Mac machine) ?
I searched for various options,few of them are:
1.Install mac os using VM ware.
2.Use MacinCloud Service.
I don't know what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, please suggest what to do?
Use PhoneGap Build. Just upload the html/js/css/config with specified plugin as zip and build it online. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to use custom plugins, only specified on the PhoneGap Build site.

The device version ( does not support the API level (Blackberry Native SDK 10.2)

I have blackberry playbook with OS. Version i have connected with WIFI. Now when i run project it will start executing project into my playbook
but every time i got below error
Then i click on update the project's API level
Then i click ok button i got below dialog box
I do not know what should i have to do, Do i need to install all API for example
10.1, 10.0
I don't know if you have already found the solution for your problem but personally I'm using a different Blackberry NDK for Playbook development: Link to Playbook NDK
As far as i've been told the playbook os is pretty different from the blackberry z10/q10.
Playbook is 2.x and z10 is 10.0/.1/.2
Momentics is only suitable for 10.1
For publishing to playbook youll need the playbok "tablet" sdk
Also i've been told NOT to install both sdks on the same machine. as """because weirdness happens when you have both tablet and bb10 sdks installed. it's nominally "not a bug", but merely "unsupported". """
