Approving embedded Youtube videos - youtube

I'm creating an HTML page that embeds youtube videos that have been internally approved. A problem that can occur is if the author of the approved video decides to change the approved video to another video that have not been approved. Is there a way that I can embed a youtube video into a page and have it disabled if the author of that video decides to change the video?


Can I play Youtube Offline Videos in my App

I am trying to make an video app that will have a button on whose click I can save the video in Youtube offline mode and can play that video from my app.
This might be illegal:
You could use an API like this YoutubeExtractor which allows you to download the videos.
See the original (your question is a duplicate) post

Am I separating, isolating or modifying the audio or video of a Youtube Video in my Android App?

I have a responsive website for kids. Kids can watch selected Youtube Videos in a webbrowser. To make ann Android app, I used an APK creator. This app shows my website in a fullscreen webviewer. I set it up to hide the addressbar, so kids can more safely brows the App (website). On the website are no external links, except the links from the Youtube player. The YouTube video's are loading with a normal Wordpress YouTube plugin. When hitting the YouTube logo or Video URL, the Youtube website wil show.
Now Google Plays said i am violating the rules of the YouTube Api:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
This I truely not understand. There is no way I want to violate anything. When I appeal for reinstatement the just saying:
"After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Suspension in the initial removal notification from Google Play."
The initial removal notification said what I wrote above.

Is available to embed AdMob in my app that contains my youtube videos?

This is not programing question. I come in here from youtube API page by clicking 'Ask a Question'...;
I will make the app shows yoga videos using Youtube API. Those videos are mine. In that app, people can play my youtube videos. I will show AdMob on video list page. My plan is available?
Or, Except AdMob, I can insert AD onto video?
it is not allowed to simply play YouTube content in an app. This is called framing.

How can I link my private videos on YouTube to be played on my website?

How can I link my private videos on YouTube to be played on my website. The point is to bring more viewers to my site by making videos available on my site, yet private on YouTube.
You should set your videos to "unlisted" instead of "private". That
way the video does not show up on your channel or on any search
results but anyone with a link to the video can see it and you can
embed the video on any site.
I didn't try this workaround yet but theoretically it should work, you need to use YouTube API V 3 and follow the below steps:
Set the video's privacy status to unlisted through API.
Embed the video via API in a hidden div.
Use onPlayerStateChange event to check if the video player is currently playing the video, use the API to pause the video at the first second.
If the state changed to "playing" then send an AJAX request to a server side script to revert the the video's privacy status to be private, once you get a confirmation message display the video and use the API to play it.
This should keep the video private even if the user copy & paste the URL in another tab, s/he should get a message that the video is private.
PHP - How to change privacy status of a youtube video through Youtube API v3?

Stop youtube from showing more videos once mine is done

I want to show a video on my company website, but once the video is done, it previews other videos.
How can I stop YouTube from displaying additional videos?
The link addition is only good if I link people to the video...but if they go to the video on their own, they are still subject to the additional videos.
to your Youtube video URL. Example:
